Chapter Thirty | Epilogue + Title Reveal

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The ceremony hall is nothing short of spectacular as I stand off to the right, waiting for my grand entrance. Historic architecture is everywhere I look, eye catching to say the least. Huge beams line the centre of the space and are currently draped in twinkling lights. Every chair is filled with people, and I get flutters in my stomach, both a mixture of nervousness and excitement. I straighten out my dress and correct the position of my cap, needing this moment to go as smoothly as possible. It's not every day you graduate Oxford University with a first-class honours in English literature.

I'm fucking proud of myself.

"Carmen Henderson," announces Lawrence Carter.

After James' accident, he covered our lessons, and the University deemed his celebrity status worthy enough to invite him back for today's event.

"You're next," informs a familiar voice down my ear. "Don't fall on your arse."

I nudge Jeremy in the ribs, hoping to inflict actual damage. In the months following his discovery, he's become more and more like the annoying brother I never had. Still, I love him to death.

"Sloan Jackson."

Jeremy whistles his delight as I make my way towards the centre of the stage, concentrating hard on not tripping. There's an almighty cheer coming from somewhere near the back and as I look, I realise that's where my family have resided. Mum and Dad are off their seats, clapping with all their might, and Jasmine isn't too far behind them. Her dad—Uncle Darren—is slightly more reserved in his celebration for me. The same—however—can not be said for my idiot sister, bonkers roommate and her two older brothers. Nicole and Lara are holding up a banner that says Con-GRAD-ulations and I can't help but laugh at their hilarious ways. Freddie is possibly clapping the loudest and next to him, James oozes pride. He looks at me like I've singlehandedly solved all of the world's issues. For obvious reasons, he keeps his celebrations slightly more subtle, but he does fire me a cheeky wink that leaves me a little weak in the knees.

"Congratulations, Sloan," says Carter, handing me my diploma. "Best of luck in your future."

I shoot him my biggest grin and shake his hand. "Thank you."

I make my way towards the other side of the stage and wait for Jeremy and the others to receive their diploma before leaving. We take a few group selfies and say our goodbyes for the month, counting down the hours until Italy (a graduation present to ourselves). Mollie had been to one to suggest it and when I brought it to Mum and Dad, they practically threw the money at me. I believe their exact words were, "Sloan, don't be an idiot. GO!"

I do love them!

"So, does this mean you guys are finally official?" asks Jeremy, lowering his tone and gesturing towards James who—looking gorgeous in his tweed suit—is making his way towards the group.

"I think the plan is to leave it a couple of weeks."

Jeremy nods. Staying true to his word, he's never once let slip our secret in the nine months he's known about it. In fact, he's barely made reference to it, which I'm grateful for. I think he knew our relationship was in its infancy and the added pressure of him talking about it non-stop was something I didn't need.

"Okay," he replies. "Just remember, you deserve this. You both do."

James chooses that moment to infiltrate our circle and Pranavi throws her arms around him.

"We did it!" she screeches.

Instead of retreating like he would've at the beginning of the academic year, he gives her a friendly hug back.

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