Chapter 1

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TW: school shooter, gun, light swearing, mentions of death/dieing


I woke up with a burst of energy, the sun starting to rise through the blinds of my window. I sit up and check my phone on the night stand next to the right side of my bed.

The time read 7:15 am Monday, September 6th. Notifications on my screen from friends who had been up all night in the group chat sending memes and talking about how they hate their new classes. Not very wise of them to be up all night when we have school today but summer had fucked with our sleep schedules with no one really caring about fixing it.

A knock on my bedroom door takes my attention away from my phone and I stand up and go to open it. My room was decorated with different anime posters and my desk and dressers had anime figurines and manga on them. Mostly anime like Attack on Titan, Demon slayer and Tokyo Ghoul. When I open the door I see my mom knocking on my older brothers door as well.

My mom is short, shorter than me at about 5' while I'm 5'7, with dyed blonde straight hair where you can see her dark roots, and pale skin.

"Mija wake up your brother and get ready for school," my brother is older than me by two years.

"Si Ma," I continuously knock on his door until he opens it,when he does open the door he's crossing his arms like he's freezing and his eyes half open, he isn't much of a morning person.

People use to say we looked like twins when we were younger but now we realized we just look like our dad, like a lighter shaded version of him. My brother with short straight black hair, about 5'10 and a goatee making him seem older than he is, with tan-ish skin.

We make our way across the living room and to the dining table where I see my dad on his phone scrolling through El Facebook drinking coffee in his work clothes, he greets my brother and I with a nod of his head in acknowledgment.

My dad has darker skin with short black curly hair and a beard standing at about 5'9.

As we say our own hellos I make my way over to the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee, knowing that today will be an exhausting first day of finding my classes and introducing myself to my teachers and classmates.

My dad and brother make small talk about our first day back while I down my coffee. Once I'm done I rush to get ready before my brother, grabbing clothes to change into.

When I'm done getting ready into the new clothes I brush my teeth and look into the mirror making sure I look decent enough. My long black curly hair parted down the middle with the same skin tone as my brother and three beauty marks on my left cheek going down to my jaw then neck.

I'm wearing black jeans with a belt and black graphic-t long sleeve with a red flannel over it, and black socks with black doc martens. Deciding to accessorize with my necklace and bracelets.

"Hermana ya vamos!" My brother calls from the living room waiting for me to drive us to school. I quickly gather everything I need and head to the car, but not without saying my goodbyes to my parents first.

In the car my brother asks me about my classes and asks me if I need help finding them.

"I'm fine, I have classes with some friends so them and I will figure it out together." He merely nods his head and continues driving. The way to school was about ten minutes so we just played music and comfortably sat in silence as we mentally prepare for the first day back to school.

~time skip~ at school~

When we arrived at the school he drops me off at the front entrance so he could find a parking spot. "See you after school" I say to him.

"Actually can you catch a ride with one of your friends? Or ride the bus? I have football practice after school and I don't think you'd want to stay here all night."

"For sure don't worry about it." We high-five and I leave to the inside of the school.

What is my first class again? English? Damn hopefully I like this teacher.

As I walk upstairs towards my classroom I run into my friend, Alex, who had English in the class next to me. As we walk next to each other, chatting, I accidentally bump into a student, bigger than me probably a senior. Wearing all black with a hoodie over their head.

I turn around to apologize but then a sickening feeling washes over me. Looking into his eyes they were black, void of emotion. I stare at him for what felt like forever but was merely fractions of a second.

I could suddenly feel my heart pounding wildly and butterfly's in my stomach. Not the kind where I've just seen my crush do something cute but the kind where I need to puke.

And as if it happened in slow motion I saw him reach into his hoodie and bring out a handgun.

Pointed at me was a gun.

Pointing at me was the gun that made a load noise.

Pointing at me was the gun that took my life.

At 8:56am Monday, September 6th I died and my soul left this earth.

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