voices from the underground

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Underground noises are calling from beneath
Asking whether I am still following
Their ugly faces, huge disgraces
To the existence of beauty and humanity

And yet I know that I'm still there
Following those ghosts everywhere
I am there, how could they not see?
That my past wounds are still hunting me

The beauty of the underground cannot be observed
And their silly voices cannot be heard
By the people wearing white robes walking on the Earth
They have been labeled at the date of their birth

And I have been labeled, just with the twisted mark
My label has always been, only a little bit dark
They have signed their initials into my skin
I feel as suffocating from toes to my chin

But underground can be such a beautiful place
Things are moving slow, on a very chill pace
Creatures dance and serve us with all the pretty things
I have collected so many of their stones and rings

I am there, as I say, following your pretty faces
I have met so many people and seen such beautiful places
You have captured my soul, and I do not complain
My heart is forever marked with such a lovely stain

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