- feels -

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5.00 p.m., 9th August 2015.

Yunho remained at Mingi's house to spend some more time with the latter. they hung out at the attic of the house, another favourite place of the younger to be at after eating the delicious foods couple hours back.

the birthday boy lit up a scented candle and walked over to Yunho who was sitting by the small window in the room. the cozy tiny living area was decorated with little warm toned fairy lights hung around, fuzzy pastel coloured carpets around the ground and lots of artworks created by Mingi himself.

"it's pretty here", Yunho commented to which Mingi smiled and thanked him. "you wouldn't want to see how it looked like at first", he replied later as Yunho chuckles hearing that. he totally understood what Mingi meant without further explanation needed.

just then, a sweet and soft cherry blossoms scent made its presence known in the room, putting the teenage pair even more at ease and cozy in the small room. "is this how you spend your time?", asked Yunho and Mingi hummed in response. "i like slow days like this. it's relaxing and somehow very comforting", the younger explained himself later receiving an understood nod from the older.

silence then took over them. it wasn't an awkward one instead, it's a relaxing one. sounds of the birds chirping outside and their breathings were the only thing to be heard. Mingi looked outside the window, taking in the beautiful view of his neighbourhood whilst Yunho took an interest in him and looked at the male so fondly with hearts in his eyes.

"goodness gracious", he thought to himself. Mingi looked so ethereal as the orange light from the sunset hit his beautiful skin. it felt so unreal to see someone so good looking, he could even pass as an angel in heaven. sounds exaggerating? maybe. but to Yunho, it is true. Mingi could possibly be an angel.

suddenly, a knock on the door was heard.

"come in!", Mingi says out loud and the door opened to reveal one of the maids who is very close with Mingi. she smiled softly seeing the teen boys hanging out together. "sir Yunho, your chauffeur is here", the maiden informed as Yunho replied with an "ok" and the lady excused herself.

"I'll get going now".
"I'll send you off".

the pair said the sentences in unison, making them turn their heads and look at each other in shock that lasted for about 30 seconds before they broke into a laughing fit together.

once they got a hang of themselves, the two boys headed down towards the spacious living room. there, the front door was already wide opened by the maidens for Yunho and his chauffeur too was waiting by the car where the backseat's door had already been opened.

"it was fun today, let's hang out more in the future",  says Yunho with a smile and Mingi nodded as a sign of agreement to the plan. he then continued, "once again, happy birthday Mingi. bye bye!".

Mingi chuckled before replying, "don't say goodbye.  I hate to think that it could be the final thing I hear from you or anyone".

Yunho looked at him weirdly, totally finding his way of thinking odd. he laughed softly and answered the boy standing in front of him, "well, isn't it used for farewell and someone's departure after all?".

Mingi only smiled and let out a deep breath. "you'll understand it one day. see you around, Yunho", he waved the boy off as Yunho bowed and waved back to him before entering the vehicle and left.


2 hours passed and the time shows that it is currently 7.00 p.m. Yunho had left yet the smile on Mingi's lips still hasn't left or even turned into a frown.

today, he felt euphoric. today was an exceptionally fun day for him because finally, after so long, he had a different guest during his birthday celebration. a guest that was his friend, not his parents' but instead, his own.

"Mingi?", Mrs Song called out from the doorframe of her son's room.

the teenage boy who was reading his book on the bed look up to be met with the face of a woman that birthed him. he smiled and welcomed her into the room whilst putting the novel he was reading aside and sat up straight.

"I miss seeing that bright smile of yours, my dear son", she stated with a proud smile engraved on her lips.

"I thought I lost this type of smile", Mingi answered with a chuckle, clearly surprised to know that his bright smile was still there after a long while of not appearing. at the same time, there was a small sound of sadness and disappointment in his answer.

the reason was clear enough. the sole reason to it because he didn't have friends or if we were to be specific, a true friend.

but this time, Yunho gave him some faith and trust that is enough for Mingi to openly accept the boy into his life.

and Mingi hopes those faith and trust he got won't be something he'll regret giving for.

Mrs Song's proud smile turned into a sad, sympathetic one. she understood what her son meant and badly wished he didn't thought that way ever.

there was a long silence between the parent and son, till Mrs Song threw in a question.

"you like him, don't you?".

somehow, words couldn't find its way to form an answer or a sentence out of Mingi's mouth. the questioned surprised the living hell out of the poor boy.

there was an answer yet there wasn't. the teenager was nowhere to be sure except for the fact that Yunho is a sweetheart and a very kind person.

"even if I do, there is no point to it", he sadly replied.

the mother wanted to argue to his answer and reasoned her son but unfortunately, her points will not be able to make a difference. she is not in Mingi's position, she could never understand what he feels very well.

and that sucks.

till the last sunset | yungi | ateezWhere stories live. Discover now