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21st September 2015, Monday, 9 a.m.

Seoul Prestige Academy.

students gathered in every classrooms, chatting with their friends whilst waiting for class to start.

"what is your status with Mingi seriously?", Jongho asked with his arms crossed whilst standing beside Yunho's seat, making the other five boys turn their attention to him. clearly interested to hear the answer.

"just friends, nothing more."
"don't lie, we saw the way the both of you had for each other bro", San argued back, not feeling satisfied with the answer he received although it was the truth after all.

Mingi and Yunho hadn't brought up anything related to their feelings or love at all despite the many calls and  texts they had. the subject of love never once happened between the pair. but truth to be told, yes, Yunho does have a huge crush on Mingi. it was a love at first sight when he first noticed the boy in that grand ballroom.

cringe? maybe, but it is undeniably true .

anyways, Yunho let out a very long sigh and hid his face in his arms which was resting on his desk. the 6 others laughed together seeing the now, very shy Yunho whose ears are turning cherry red from shame. of course, his friends were not making fun of him. they were rather laughing because they found it wholesome of Yunho, the boy who rarely catches feelings for anyone, to finally have a crush on someone he met at at product launching event in a ballroom (Cinderella who?).

Yunho had no idea how Mingi felt for him though (there goes the famous line). as it was mentioned before, the 'love' topic had never been brought up, ever or even been something Mingi is interested to discuss about. so, Mingi's sexuality and his feelings remains a mystery to Yunho. he is also isn't a big of a flirt, which leaves Yunho even more unsure as to how he should ever confess to Mingi somewhere in the future without screwing their friendship up.

calming down from the laughing fit, the 6 boys looked at one another, exchanging eye contacts that says "shall we help our dear friend here?" which then lead to a smile appearing on everyone's face. Hongjoong dragged a chair from a table beside Yunho's and sat down, patting the taller's broad back comfortingly. Yunho looked up and faced his friends who are now circling him and questioned, "what am I supposed to do?".

no words needed, he instantly knew the meaning behind the looks his 6 friends were giving him. the past few years of knowing each other definitely was worth it and Yunho couldn't be more grateful seeing how his dearest friends are willing to help him in this matter.

"thank you" he says gratefully.


6 p.m.

Jeong's house

Yunho had just settled his homeworks and revisions for the pop quiz his History teacher decided to have tomorrow. there's still an hour left to spend before it is time for dinner so, the teenage boy took himself towards his bed and crash for the remaining time.

it was such a long day for him today and a rest is the only thing Yunho needs right now-


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