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Hello, okay so this was my first story, and I wrote this around 2 years ago, recently during excessive cringey feelings I felt after reading it, I couldn't handle the shame and unpublished this seemingly "MaStErPiEcE" that My readers said this story was........

Now, when I finally am free and steeled up to read my own work and confident about editing this piece, I am ready to edit it whole over, including editing the cover, and every single part of the story over and over.


Okay, first of all, do not, and by do not, I mean, DO NOT, in any way ridicule this story, I wrote it when I was 14 and this is supposed to be my FIRST ever book, and except some minor changes I did last year, this book is absolutely not edited, and was written CASUALLY. If you are here to ridicule and judge my storyline you are free to do so, but I will NOT tolerate a single comment that crosses the limits. During the time I wrote this story, I obviously had no knowledge upon writing and this was something that came out  my imagination. There might be alot of grammar mistakes, but you all have to understand English isn't my native language and neither did I take up any courses to learn the language, and my English was entirely self thought.  There might be alot of grammatical errors as well as typing mistakes, since when this story was written, it was given a cringy story plot, I will trouble you to ignore it, if you are looking for a really prim and proper realistic book. The description of the story did mention that this story was supposed to be filled with vampires, and death, blood and other mature content will me mentioned, so if you have a delicate soft heart, please do not read any further.
If you still continue to read I would take this as my good fortune that I have such a good reader, thank you.

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