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"Get off of me" I screamed

"Shut up" he yelled at me

I tried to scream again but he slapped me across my face and taped my mouth shut.

Then he came face to face with me and smirked "someone would come save you but your worthless and oh yeah don't have a mom or dad" he laughed

"Dad we need more sugar" yelled his daughter

"Okay go get in the car!"

"I'll be back worthless slut" he said to me
Worthless I am so worthless I bet I deserve this I deserve to be in this foster home with this abusive man and his aggravating kids.

I've never once had a mom or dad figure in my life the people at the placement departments call me "the girl who cries rape" but it's true every foster home I've been in they've tried to rape me,but the pastors they are the worst because no one expects that from them but I do everyone is evil I had no family,no life I'm worthless just as he says I am.

He locked me in the basement because I told him to go fuck himself I tell everyone that that's kind of my thing but I don't say anything I don't mean.

By the way I'm Alexandria Rose,Alex for short I don't really know who named me that as a matter a fact I don't know who's last name I have either. I'm 5'3 and I weigh 149 lbs I'm mixed with Mexican black and Asian at least that's what the placement department tells me I'm 17 years old and I have never even lived yet I turn 18 next June and its only December now so I have 6 more months of being carried to new families like I'm a toy but no one cares once I turn 18 I don't know where in he'll I'm gonna go but it has to be better than living in foster care especially in Miami because they'll never run out ever. I looked around for a window in this stupid basement but I could hardly see anything because there was no light any where at all

I got up and untied my self then ripped the duct tape off of my mouth I moved boxes and bins to try and find a window and lucky I did I stood up on the table which was wiggly and wobbly I kicked the window As hard as I could and it shattered I picked up a old telephone and knocked out the rest of the glass I started to climb out but I felt someone grab my leg, "get down here Alex.!" He yelled

He,He is the man who has a son my age I have to lay next to every night I have to make him feel wanted I have to kiss his forehead in the morning and he likes to feel on me and touch me in places I don't like to be touched,I've never been raped and I don't plan on It even if I was molested, I refuse to let a man stick their private parts inside of me. I kicked him as hard as I could in his face and ran,ran until I couldn't run anymore until I was out of breath until I was as far as I could get away from that house.

I went to this hotel where hardly anyone goes and checked in for a week pass with the money I stole from he who's name will not be mentioned Hopefully they don't find me here.

"Room 34" the lady said handing me keys

I smiled politely and took the elevator to room 34 it was big and just what I needed right now I stripped out my clothes and turned the hot shower on and just sat there thinking. Why is this happening to me.? When will things get Better for me or will they just get worse.?

I heard a knock at the door and I ignored it but they just kept knocking so I put on o.e of the fluffy white robes and went to answer the stupid door and you won't believe who it was. Yeppy I sarcastically thought.

Me and my younger sister Jordan have to stay at this hotel since our alarm was broken last week and people are crazy these days

Plus I have a lot of enemies in Miami and I'm not takin no chances.

"Room 35" the women told us

Jordan raced up to the room and I slowly followed her we going to be staying here a whole Damn week and I pray no one finds out I'm staying here, I already told my boy chris

I'm staying here but if any body who works for Tony finds out I stay here they'll shoot up the whole entire place.

"Room 34 has the better door I'm gonna go see who stays in there" Jordan said

Jordan is 17 and she's obsessed with Chris and honestly it's helping her get away from me When she annoys me.

"I'm coming with you you can't just be popping up a people door"

She knocked and no one answered

"Let's go Jordan damn"

But a teenage girl came to the door she was short and cute her blonde and brown hair was curly and she had a robe on.

"Alex.?"Jordan said to the girl

"Oh my gosh Jordan" the girl replied

Then they hugged super tight and started talking and I WAS READY TO GO.!

"This is my brother,tyga well Micheal"

"Wassup" I said

"Hey" the girl I'm guessing is Alex said to me

They STILL CONTINUED to talk and I went back to my room and weirdly,Alex was on my mind and I hardly know her.

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