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Chaos let lose in the platform, the three of them had finally gotten out of the room but the rest of the passengers were screaming and hiding behind seats.

Stiles scurried around, watching as the hunt shot at the roof and dropped more and more bodies down onto the ground.

"Addley!" Karley yelled as she ran over to her friend who was dropped by one of the men. She grabbed onto her, hugging her tightly as well as protecting her from the shots

"Karley!" she breathed, holding onto her friend like there was no tomorrow. They both hide behind pillars, comforting eachother as fear crowded the room.

Stiles watched them both from afar, ducking behind Peter, explaining how he recognised some of the faces of the new victims.

"How long has this been going on?" He asked and Peter sat up in realisation

"This isn't a train station this is a way station. This isn't going to stop." He looked over at the boarding board, noticing Beacon Hills above the rest. He sighed and pressed his head against the arm of the seat and Stiles pestered him

"I know you know something. what are those places?"

"We gotta get out of here. Nobody is safe. Everyone in here, Beacon Hills, your friends and family everyone you've ever known. They're gonna be taken." He got up and ran towards Karley, grabbing her away from her friend and pulling her down the tracks as Stiles followed.

"Hey! what are you doing my friend is back there i can't leave her." Karley cried as she looked to Stiles for help but he only ignored and focused on the situation Peter was holding back on.

"so what's the plan?" Stiles questioned and Peter kept walking

"Going through the portal"

"Wait wait, no one can get through the portal. you said that yourself." Stiles turned his head but continued to follow, Peters hand was gripped onto Karley

"No human can. But i'm better than human, remember?" They came to a stop and Karley shoved herself away from him as she looked him up and down

"We would heal" She muttered, catching onto his plan and Stiles shook his head

"Let's not have a moment here." Peter began

"If you survive you have to find my friends for me okay? you have to tell them about me because they're not going to remember me so you have to tell them that i'm here." He mumbled on

"When i survive. I am going to get as far away from Beacon Hills as i possibly can. And if i happen to along one of your below average friends and if it doesn't inconvenience me i might mention your name" Peters voice riddled with anger as he headed closer to the portal

"Yeah what about Malia?" Stiles asked and Peter stopped to think about his daughter. He took a breath and faced him again and Stiles continued

"I know you're doing this for her. you're risking being incinerated. for her. And i'm okay with that." Stiles finished as the bellowing alarm of horses headed their way once again.

They all headed onto the platform "Stall them. Use your head" Peter lastly asked, Stiles pushing a bench onto the platform before hiding behind the pillars.

Peter moved into action, taking deep breaths before the risk he was about to take. He looked down under his shoe, noticing the keys to that belong to Stiles, reaching down for them before he took his shot at escape.

He leaped onto the back of the horses, holding tightly as he headed closer to the barrier. He looked back once more before he disappeared through the portal.

Stiles took one last breath before quickly turning around "Karley?" He rushed down the platform, watching as she crossed her arms and headed back towards the main one.

"Karley!" he caught up with her and stopped, he grabbed her shoulders and turned her to face him. A tear fell onto her cheek and she rushed to wipe it away.

"Hey hey, what's wrong? It worked he got through we have hope"

"No Stiles. You have hope." Her lip quivered as she locked eyes with him. He furrowed his brows in confusion, letting his arms fall down as he waited for her to continue

"You forget me for a few weeks and now i don't even matter. Is that how it's going to be back at home too?" She mumbled, holding back more tears

"What? what are you talking about you do matter i'm going to get us out of here."

"Did you not hear yourself? You told him to get them to remember you. Scott, Malia, Lydia? Only to mention your name. When it comes to survival In the space of a second, you no longer need me." She began and he shook his head

"I was here the entire time and during your plan you both never acknowledged me and if Peter does survive and your friends do remember you, they'll only remember to get you out of here and when you do..." she pressed her lips together and took a step back

"you won't remember me."

Stiles shook his head and grabbed her again "No Karls. It wasn't like that and it's not like that. I was panicked, rushed. I would never let them forget you. Not again. I promise i'm going to get us both out of here. Peter will remember us both."

She moved back again and her tears stopped flowing. "I hope he remembers you. And while he's busy trying to save you with your friends. I'll find my own way out." She turned around and kept walking

"You know I'm not going to let you do anything that would get you killed. I'm not leaving you here Karley." He yelled down at her and she continued to walk away.

"If you forget me you will." she swallowed as she talked to herself. "If Peter gets through this..." she crossed her arms and flashed her eyes from their golden brown to their bright familiar purple "Then i can too."

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