kau pernah benci diri sendiri? aku pernah dan 'masih'
people would ask why i did that to my own self...
u know what, i didn't even find anything to love about myself'if u can't find then create it'
shut up u dumb a$$
im neither a builder nor architect
i can't even sleep properly and u told to create something i love about myself?
i can't even arrange and manage my time properly and u told me to do something awesomewoah
so basically im the problem here...anyways, u the ONE AND ONLEHH can change ur self, change yourself from the problem to the most precious.
don't be like me, cuz im done with my life... i wanna be a birdu know sometimes i just wanna fly, make chirp chirp sound and poop everywhere included on top of your head...
no problem, no study, no human interaction just poopohhhhhh i would feel great to do something like that.
diari ku di wattpad amat dark, tiada sinar kebahagiaan walaupun setitik.