Chapter 1

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She smiled at me, like any stranger would

That's why I don't understand why I couldn't tear my eyes off of her
Something about her was just so captivating
Maybe it was the way the corners of her lips turned down when she smiled
like a frown but you could tell from the light in her eyes she was beaming
The realisation hit me
Oh my God I'm becoming infatuated with this girl
oh my God I don't even know her name
oh my God I'm becoming infatuated with this girl and I don't even know her name

"Dude stop ogling her she's gonna think you wanna rape her or summin"
Austin said with a swig of his whiskey

He's been my best friend since basically forever which is the only reason his crude comments are somewhat bearable

We sat in the vip lounge, which had its distance from the rest of the club which made the chance of her catching me
"ogling" her less likely
not impossible though
I rolled my eyes

"If you're that into her just walk over and introduce yourself"
I thought about his words

"Your right how hard could it be"

"Not too hard considering she's done half the job for you"


liquid gold filled my ears

She smiled

"I'm Ell-"

"Ma'am you can't be here, this is the VIP section"
My bouncer Gabriel said,
I wanted to kick him in his face for 2 reasons one being him interrupting her obviously declaring her love for me and two being him being stupid enough to let non VIPs into the VIP area
Not that I minded this one though so I'll let it slip

"It's fine Gabriel, she's with m-"

"I have a wristband"
She interrupted
She held her wrist out patiently waiting for him to scan it

I was surprised she had VIP membership, usually that's given to close partners or associates of our family but I've never seen her before, and I mean , it's not like a beauty like that could go unnoticed

"All good Sir"

"Ma'am but thank you"

"I was talking to mr spe-"

I cut him off with a glare that could kill.
If he even thinks about mentioning my name to her before I do it myself
I'll do more than kick him in his face

"Sorry about that" I apologise

"It's fine, you have nothing to be sorry for, you have no control over what stupid bouncers do, it's not like you own the place"

Austin splutters his drink out with a laugh but plays it off as soon as soon as I turn around
She furrows her brows at him and looks back and forth between us

"Oh sorry I didn't get to introduce myself, I'm Alexander but everyone calls me Alex and this is Austin"

"Al ex an Der" she says purposely enunciating every vowel almost as if trying my name out on her lips, which as much as I despise the name, might be my new favourite word if it only ever comes out from her mouth

"And austin"
Austin chirps from the back with his signature grin

She smiles

"I'm ellie"

"That short for anything"

" eliza, my names eliza but everyone calls me ellie"

"El I za" I say purposely mimicking her as she did with my name

She lets out a laugh and if it's not the most angelic thing I've ever heard
I try not to stare but it's hard when an epitome of beauty is looking you straight in the eye
We go for a bit just staring at each other
It wasn't awkward, more like


"So I-"

I glance behind her at the woman shouting her name from behind the VIP rope and pinch the bridge of my nose and inhale
There really were too many interruptions today

"Ma'am you can't enter here without a VIP wristband"
Gabriel puts an arm in front of her as a feeble attempt of stopping her

"Get your grimy hands of me"
In a blink of an eye she's got his arm turned around him in an impressive hold

Austin stands up in an instant
"HEY hey hey now now guys no need to get violent"
He raises his arms and tries to calm down absolutely no one
Everyone's really doing their own thing here and the whole bouncer scene really hasn't caught anyones attention

Eliza finally turns around and looks at the woman in recognition
She looks at Gabriel
"She's with me"

"Finally" Emily shouts
She releases Gabriel from her hold and he makes an embarrassing attempt to fix his suit from the clear dismay "Emily" put her through

"I've been calling you for so long!!! I wanted to know how it was going with that hot guy who was ogling you"

Austin raises his glass and smirks at me
"HA told you so"
Emily's eyes go wide as she see's me peer out from behind Eliza
Eliza covers her face looking all flustered
It's kinda hot considering I'm the reason for her feeling this way
"Seriously em"
"Sorryyyy I didn't see him there"
"Let's talk about this when HE'S not here"
"HIS name is Alex" I smirk
"Hi Alex totally didn't mean to call you hot, I understand that you are now property of Eliza"
"Please shut up now"
Eliza embarrassingly puts her head in her hands while her friend starts laughing

"Allow me to introduce myself, MY NAME is Austin"
"Like the city?" Emily replies seeming unimpressed
"Maybe" he says with a wink
She scrunches her nose at the attempt of flirting

I turn back to eliza
"You were saying?"
"You were saying something before your friend here" I point my glass towards Emily "interrupted"
"Oh right, um I wanted to uh ask if you maybe, wanna dance?" She asks fidgeting in her seat, she's nervous
"As long as it's with you" I say
She smiles

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