Chapter 2

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"He wants to rape you"
I laugh at Emily's crude remark

"He doesn't look the type to have to force a women to get into bed with him, they'd all probably go willingly"

"I See where you're coming from, but a guy doesn't stare at you like that if he wants to hold your freaking hand, he's either in love with you"
I roll my eyes
"Orrr wants to rape you"

I sigh "I mean, it wouldn't be rape if it's consensual right"

Em slaps my arm "ELLIEE!!"

"Look at him, you're seriously saying he's not the hottest guy you've ever seen"
She tilts her head pretending to examine him

"he's good looking I'll give you that, but I'm more interested in the guy next to him"
I angle my head to his right and see a guy laughing with him, they must be friends

"I'm gonna go for it"

"GO ELL" she cheers

I make my way past the swarm of dancing people who are definitely way too drunk to remember anything tomorrow and walk up the two unnecessary steps to the VIP section

I mentally slap myself
What am I, a child? Who even says hi anymore

"Hey" His voice resonates throughout my entire body

I was about to introduce myself until the so called bouncer rudely interrupted me
"I have a wristband" i rolled my eyes and stuck my wrist out

It was at times like this I don't regret accepting my inheritance
Not to brag but my parents were kind of a big deal in the business world
That is until they died a couple months ago
I was the sole heir and until I accepted or declined the money, it would just stay there
So I did neither, I knew all the good AND bad ways they "earned" this money
And until about 1 month ago I had no interest in being part of it
I guess I woke up one day and decided to be rich

(and have all the perks included)

"Sorry about that" he says

"It's fine, you have nothing to be sorry for, you have no control over what stupid bouncers do, it's not like you own the place"

I hear someone laugh and realise its the other hot guy Em was talking about, I look at him confused

"Oh sorry I didn't get to introduce myself, I'm Alexander but everyone calls me Alex and this is Austin"

"Al ex an Der" I say slowly
his name just screams power, and masculinity; shortening it to Alex would be like demoting it almost

"And Austin" his friend grins

"I'm ellie" I finally say

"That short for anything"

" Eliza, my names eliza but everyone calls me ellie"

"El I za"
I'm pretty sure he's mimicking me as he says that so I laugh
I start feeling self conscious as he stares at me but I slowly ease into it
We stay like that for a bit, introducing ourselves to each other silently

I try to break the silence but immediately furrow my brows
What is it with today and interruptions?

"Get your grimy hands off of me" I hear a familiar voice say

I see Austin stand up
"HEY hey hey now now guys no need to get violent"

I look at the bouncer
"She's with me"

She releases him from the tight hold she has him in

"I've been calling you for so long!!! I wanted to know how it was going with that hot guy who was ogling you"

"HA told you so" Austin says in a sudden outburst confusing me once again

I can already feel the heat rising up to my cheeks as I watch Emilys eyes widen in realisation of the "hot guy's" presence next to me

I cover my face with both my palms in an attempt to hide my embarrassment

"Seriously em"
"Sorryyyy I didn't see him there" I give her a not good enough look
"Let's talk about this when HE'S not here"
"HIS name is Alex" he smirks and I tune out of the conversation in the realisation that he has a dimple
"-at you are now property of Eliza" #WorstTimeToTuneBackIn
"Please shut up now" she laughs

"Allow me to introduce myself, MY NAME is Austin" he says with a bow
"Like the city?" Emily replies, somehow managing to look unimpressed, but knowing her, I'll probably hear THIS story 50 times before we go to bed

"You were saying something before your friend here" he points his glass towards Emily "interrupted"
"Oh right, um" I don't get why I'm so nervous, just spit it out already El "I wanted to ask if you wanted to uh dance?" my hands suddenly seem very interesting as I play with them hoping he doesn't notice

"As long as it's with you" he says as I grin

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