Chapter 4

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                             ~ ELIZA ~

"GET THE FUCK UP, YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE" I literally fell out of bed waking up to Emilys obnoxiously loud voice

"jeez okay" I say sitting up and rubbing my head

God I am so hungover

"how are you not hungover??" I look at Emily fully dressed ready to start the day "Cus I ACTUALLY KNOW how to handle my alcohol"

"did you drive me home?"

"you don't remember?" I shake my head "that hot guy, Alex, he drove you home last night"

"seriously Em?! what if he was, I dont know, a murderer?? what would you have done then?"

"he's clearly not, since ur alive and well unfortunately " I roll my eyes "now get off the bed and start getting ready, you have a meeting" she says pulling my arm out of its freaking joint

"what meeting"

"board meeting dumbass, we're gonna decide whether you're fit enough to be CEO"

"we're?" I question "I thought Montgomery and Co was the parent company in the MASS co operation"

"it is, but Mr and Mrs Montgomery made it clear in the will that the responsibility of picking another CEO goes to the MASS CEO's "

"but it's been months since they died" 6 and a half to be exact "why are they just now picking a CEO, who's been in charge all this time"

"all the duties were split between Aruna, St Claire and Spectre, and that all happened because a certain someone" she waved her hand towards me "wouldn't accept OR decline the stupid will, since u finally made your mind up they called a meeting for the next available date to get this done with"

"do you think they'll accept me as CEO?"

"they'd be idiots not to, you have two degrees in business management and practically grew up around MASS" she explains "but I'd still suggest you make a good impression, there's two new CEO'S at Spectre and St Claire"

"you've got to be kidding me"

"I KNOW right? and at the same time as well, its almost like they planned it"

"what happened to the old ones?"

"well Mr Spectre, the old one, retired and handed his son the title of CEO"

I scoff "I bet the bastard doesn't know the first thing about running a company" another reason why I didnt want to accept the will was because everyone would think everything was handed to me

but as Em says, fuck em all

"and Mr St Claire, also, the old one, died of a heart attack making his son CEO" 

"oh" I wasn't sure what to say, I felt bad when I thought about how I felt when my own dad died

"yeah I know" she said frowning

"have you met any of the new CEO's?" I ask

"everyones been real busy trying to fill the gap of CEO of Montgomery so we haven't had time to call a real meeting until today"

I sigh "do you at least know their names?"

Emily's guilty look told me all I needed to know

I bury my face in my hands "Oh my God Em, we're gonna have to run this whole thing with two complete strangers!?"

"we can get acquainted today" she says with a quick smile "now get dressed the driver leaves in 20 byeee" aaaandd she's gone

I smile to myself "oh Em, what would I do without you "

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