Chapter 3

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                              ~ ALEXANDER ~

She waved the bartender over, downed another 2 shots and dragged my arm to the dance floor
I'll be honest, this was not the nervous girl asking me to dance a few minutes ago
Not complaining though
This feisty side to her is intriguing to say the least
"Oooohhhhh this is my favourite song!!" She squeals

This sucks
I don't know who gave the DJ permission to play this sorry excuse for a song
But they're getting fired in the morning
She guides my hands to her waist and slowly puts hers around my neck
We sway to the beat of the song as she starts to put her head on my chest
I stroke her golden brown locks and breathe her in, clouding my senses with the unfamiliar scent, its sweet
The song switches after multiple complaints to the DJ but we just stay there

"Eliza" no answer
"Eliza?" Still no answer
I shake her shoulders careful not hurt her in any way
She raises her head abruptly
"I'm up, I'm up"
I laugh
"Oh my God, did I seriously just fall asleep on the dance floor"
I grab my chest jokingly "ouch, was I really that boring?"
"No no it wasn't you, you were great, like, really great. I'm just not usually a" she yawns "a lightweight"
She falls back into my chest and as a result I sit her down on the couch
I shout over the loud music to Gabriel "Where's Austin?"
"Sir he went to his office with the blonde"
I shake my head
"Dont leave her side" I point at Eliza "I'll be back in a a few"
He nods

I regret giving Austin an office, he doesn't even work in there, he's brought more girls than actual business associates and is "proud"

Gotta give it to him though, dude's a beast when he's got his head straight, we've been partners since my father retired and passed down spectre industries to me and since his dad died and left him the position of CEO

We've been running the billion dollar companies together ever since

And I wouldn't change a thing

I don't bother listening in to check if I'm interrupting his "meetings" this time but I freeze in place as I see the sight in front of me

It's Emily
Straddling Austin
But he's laughing
And she's
Tickling him
They freeze in place when they notice me standing by the door

"Alex dude I swear it's not wha-"
"I don't wanna know"
"But it's not-"
"I DON'T wanna know" I look at Emily "Give me Eliza's address"

She gives a fake smile "Bossy are we?"

"Your friends shitfaced and passing out on the dance floor, now's not the time for your attitude"

"Oh my gosh is she ok?" She stands up in panic

"She's fine, I just need to make sure she gets home safe, since you're clearly not in the right state to take her"

She gets a pen and paper from the desk and starts writing down the address

"I hope you're not a stalker" she murmurs under her breath

"Relax you can trust Alex with your life" Austin reassures

She replies with a hmm as I exit the room

I carry Eliza through the back entrance to my car when-

"SIR" I turn around to see my bouncer running after me

"Yes Tom?" I sigh

"There's a huge fight going on at the bar" he says catching his breath
Running here's probably the most cardio he's done this week, remind me again why I hired him

"What the fuck am I supposed to do about it"
"Sir i-"
I step closer "Last time I checked, I hired you to sort these things out"
"But sir-"
I got into the car without another word to the idiot and buckled Eliza in
God, she somehow manages to look even more beautiful asleep

"Eliza" I shake her softly
She stirs in her seat
"Ellie, we're here"
She starts to get up, but I still end up carrying her to the porch
The house is way bigger than I expected for two 23 year olds, must be old money

"Where are your keys?"

"There's a spare under the mat" she murmurs
I open the door and carry her inside
There's a door labelled Eliza in calligraphy and so I lead her inside, I don't know why I expected everything in her room to be neat and tidy, maybe it's the fact that she's so perfect I thought everything about her would also be perfect

I try and hide my surprise as I lay her down on the messy bed, I take in the dresses and shoes scattered across the floor and the overflowing cosmetics on the vanity
She gets comfortable and tucks herself in the duvet

"I never make my bed" she admits groggily
"Why not" I ask, genuinely curious
"It takes around 2 minutes to make a bed, which means the average person wastes around 38 days of their lives making a bed that they're just gonna mess up"

I look at her amused
"Good night eliza"
"Good night Alexander"
And with that, I walk out of her house
This is definitely not the last time she's gonna see me

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