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Michael Clifford had always thought of himself as a good father. Had. As in, past tense. Used to.

Despite the custody battles and vast amounts of court dates to sign divorce papers with his soon-to-be ex-wife, who was battling Mikey for full custody of their youngest daughter (even though she was obviously insane and on tons of prescribed drugs), Michael still thought he was a pretty good dad.

He had two girls, ages three and 16. His younger one (the one he had with his crazy ex, Heather), Daniella, was a little angel. His other girl, the teenager, whom he had due to a one night stand- the girl he had done it with called him two months later and announced she was pregnant, then called him after another seven months to announce she was either getting rid of the kid or he had to take her, so 21-year-old Mike begrudgingly agreed to take on the daughter, was on the other side of the spectrum.

Taci was everything you hope your kid won't be. She drank, she smoked, she dyed her hair and pierced her own body (by herself. She did the piercings herself. Michael was sure they would get infected, but they never did.), and to Mikey's blatant horror, had sex very, very loudly in his house.

Michael was okay with the drinking, because even though Taci was underage, she had common sense and only drank at home. The smoking was bad, but since it didn't affect Michael (he made her do it outside), he didn't really mind that much. It was her body, her lungs, her health. She would have to face the consequences. Since he dyed his hair and had an eyebrow piercing himself, Mike couldn't really complain about it. As for the sex... Well, at least Taci was smart about it and used protection. Michael often found used condoms when he went to pick up around the house.

But the icing on the cake for Michael, the thing that surpassed even Taci's obvious dislike of him, was the way she treated Dani.

She was a complete hag to the poor baby.

Taci spoke harshly to her, constantly reprimanding the child and saying mean things to her, made her cry on purpose, took her special blankie and hid it, and Michael even caught her spanking Dani once after she caught her playing with Taci's phone.

Despite all that, Michael thought he was a pretty amazing single father. That is, until he met Nessa.

And then he realized what a crummy father he really was.

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