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I ran after North back to the Fire Pit. Blaine had disappeared, and we think we know where he is.

I dashed over a fallen tree and immediately grasped the side of the dome. Using all the strength in my arms, I pushed myself up. Quickly, I gripped the dome and crawled up the side.

North sped up the side of the dome and pushed me to the top. The storm had calmed, but I wasn't looking forward to going into the Fire Pit. But if I can stop evil, I had to.

North looked at me and whispered, "For peace."

I nodded nervously and North stabbed a hole into the dome with her sword. We jumped inside and were surprised. Icefire was no where to be seen. In fact, the Mythreans were gone. The fire and lava wasn't around. Inside the dome, there was nothing but darkness and rock.

North beckoned me closer and asked, "Where's Icefire?"


We froze. "Hello?"


Creeping down into the darkness, we took deep breaths. That's when we saw the unspeakable. Icefire was chained up against a wall, Blaine was chained up against a different wall, and Bethany was crying in... A demon's arms. There was some sort of creepy ghost holding the crying toddler.

"Sapphire don't hurt the child..." Blaise's voice was pleading.

Icefire was screaming and thrashing. "NO! LET HER GO!"

The demon... The ghost... Sapphire, was laughing as she threw the tiny child at Icefire.

Icefire gasped and caught her. "Bethany? BETH?"

The tiny girl whimpered and grasped Icefire. "Mommy?"

North whispered, "Icefire has a child?"

I nodded slowly. "I never knew..."

North and I sulked in the shadows while Blaine gasped, "Is Bethany okay?"

Icefire nodded.

The ghost sneered, "How does it feel to be a father, Confederate Commander?"

North whispered, "Blaine and Icefire?"

I crouched down lower. "They have a baby?"

North gagged. "Apparently."

Sapphire floated over to Blaine and let him free of his chains. He collapsed and sprinted to Icefire. He gave them a tight hug.

Bethany's tiny voice wailed, "Are you my Daddy?"

Blaine stroked the girl's cheek and whispered, "Yes."

Icefire began sobbing when Sapphire came close to them. "Please! Stay away!"

Blaine gripped Bethany's hand. "BACK OFF!"

Sapphire smiled and announced, "Hand over the child, or I will destroy you all."

Blaine squeezed the child and held Icefire's hand. Icefire looked back at him with blue eyes, and he smiled.

Sapphire whispered, "To end the Fire Pit, Icefire, you and your family must first be tortured as well."

Icefire crouched over and hugged Bethany. "DON'T HURT BETHANY! PLEASE!"

Bethany whimpered, "Mommy? What's going on?"

Blaine, too, began weeping sadly. "No... Please..."

Sapphire repeated her order. "Hand over the child, or you will all burn in the Fire Pit."

North grabbed me and whispered, "We have to get Faven Xiet and Thief of Space."

I nodded desperately and then decided, "Find them. I'll stay here."

North gasped, "No! I'll stay." She closed her eyes and whispered, "Faven Xiet... Thief of Space..." Then her eyes opened. "Found them."

Sapphire murmured, "You have ten seconds, Icefire."

I whispered, "Hurry!"

North grabbed my hand, and I felt like I was in two places at once. I could hear the family crying, but I also saw Thief of Space and Faven Xiet in a house. They were on a beach, holding a small child in their arms.

"Theif! Faven Xiet!"

Faven Xiet looked back at me and smiled. "Oh, hello. Have you met my daughter, Hazel?"

Theif of Space cooed, "She's so precious..."


Faven Xiet smirked, "Sure... I'd believe that."

I growled, "It's true."

Thief of Space asked, "Baby?"

I nodded. "PLEASE!"

Then I heard the ghost announce, "... 3... 2..."

I screamed, "HURRY!"

Faven Xiet frowned. "Icefire's evil. Nobody likes her, anymore, Panda."


Then everything glowed, and I saw Icefire holding Bethany. Bethany glowed white, and then vanished.

There was a long silence.

Sapphire's voice was shocked. "Where's the girl?"

Icefire answered, "She's in a better place."

Blaine sobbed. "You killed her?"

Icefire whispered, "No... I don't know what I did."

I felt myself sway back and forth. Thief of Space, Hazel, and Faven Xiet became blurry. Then I was with North outside of the dome. Flames and screaming echoed from inside.

North whispered, "Icefire and Blaine are being tortured, but now Mythrea is free."

I sighed, "Where's Bethany?"

North whimpered softly, "I found her. She was floating in hyperspace. But then... She was sucked into a black hole. I almost caught her. I was too late."

I felt tears burn my cheeks. "Faven Xiet and Thief of Space have a daughter, too. Her name is Hazel. They didn't want to help... I don't understand."

North shook her head. "It's no happy ending."

Then I looked at North with a glimmer of hope. "What if this isn't the end?"

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