Finding Ma!

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A chapter for the release of episode 1!


'What are you wearing Frankie?' "it's no good" "we don't want this ma!" Y/n nods at that "It looks like it would be impossible for you to play the role of mother Frankie" 'not that there aren't middle-aged ladies that look like that' 

"with your skills! you couldn't make me any better!? seriously!?" He shouted. "there are limits working on Height and figure" 

y/n Cleared their throat. "I did all this to help you!" he angrily stomped the ground, "have a peanut" Anya gave her a peanut. Operation Strix the ostanian politician Desmond is plotting war and the westalian intelligence has given their Agents Twilight and Nightmare A top-secret mission to stop him. 

to do this they need to infiltrate the prestigious Eden academy, he'd managed to clear the entrance exam but who could have predicted that the entrance interview would require a mother and a Father?

"oh well... looks like I'm getting married" 


"did you hear a burglar snuck into the office last night? and like the thing he touched was the shelf where we keep the women's personal data isn't that like gross! this guy's totally a creep"

"still not as creepy as our section chief he was tooootally undressing me with his this morning" "you can blame your short skirt for that" "whaaaaaattt!!?? my boyfriend likes it!" 

"you've got a great figure, Sharon! you've gotta show it off!" "not when you have kids you don't" "isn't like creepy? what do you Think Yor-senpai?"

"yes?" A beautiful young woman looked at her colleague, while she poured coffee into a cup "is that the chief's coffee? why don't you put a booger in it?" 

"does it make it taste better?" 'I never knew' "Yor-senpai how do I put it... you are private!" "eh?"

"I know what you mean! it's like she is in her own little world! no man's coming near her!" "watch it millie" 

"But you have such a good baseline Yor-senpai! if you were a bit fashionable you could be like, totally popular!" 


"oh! I can recommend a few cosmetic items!" 

"well I don't care as long as it doesn't interfere with my Work"

"whaaaaaat???" "but aren't you like 27? you better watch out... seems like there are a lot of spies and stuff these days..." Yor stayed quiet. "I see thank you for the warning," She said. "oh I Know! we're having a party at my place this weekend! you should come over to Yor-senpai! Just remember to bring a date" 


*riiiinnnnngggg!!!!* She picked up her phone. "hello Briar, Speaking. Oh, Yuri!" "hey, nee-san how have you been?" "oh you know I'm fine and yes I've been getting my work done" "I'm just worried about you... you've been always been a little weird" "it's normal no need to be rude!" 

"but isn't it time for you to settle down and get married?" "!" 'this again?' after a long talk with her brother she placed down the phone. she begins to pace around. 'if he finds out I'll go from "a little eccentric" to "a pathological liar" and he'll trust me even less!'

'not to mention promotion! I need to find a nice man and- *brrrrrriiiiiiinnnngg* the phone rings again. "no yuri this was a joke!" "oh did I interrupt a rare sibling quarrel?" "Ah- boss sorry! I thought it was-" "good evening... A customer needs your attention, Thorn Princess" 

"The Royal hotel suite number 1307" 


she washed her hands out... this woman was a contract killer she'd been drilled in killing techniques since a young age. "hmm, it's not getting out" she's taken on one dirty job after another at the command of her employer. 

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