Chapter 1

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13 or 12 year old Jordan

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13 or 12 year old Jordan

Jordan's P.O.V.

It has been 2 days since I was born and I looked older than my older twin sister. I looked around 13 or 12 years old and since Edward hates me, Rosalie and Emmett adopted me. I was reading a book about the different kinds of wars. When I soon hear footsteps coming and I look to see my uncle Jasper. 

"Hello, uncle Jasper." I said.

"Hey Jordan. What are you reading?" Jasper asked me.

"A book about the different kinds of wars we have had." I said.

"You are my new best friend." Jasper said and I chuckled.

"What was your favorite war, uncle?" I asked.

"I don't know. I liked them all." Jasper said.

I yawned and Jasper looks to me.

"You tired kiddo?" Jasper asks.

"Yeah." I said and felt myself being picked up.

I look to see my father, Emmett. I was laid in my bed and I feel my mother, Rosalie's hand pet my head.

"Night mom. Night dad." I said tiredly.

"Night kiddo/baby." Mom and dad said together before I fell asleep.

*Skip the next day*

I was sitting in the living room with my dad next to me. We were watching football, when I was sucked into a vision seeing an older me and a dude next to me.

Me and the dude were happy. We were kissing, hugging, and cuddling.

"I love you, Jordan Cullen." The dude said and I smiled happily.

"And I love you, Felix Volturi." Vision me said and that was the end of the vision. 

I came back to reality to see mom and dad looking t me.

"Are you okay, baby?" Mom asks.

"I was sucked into a vision. May I show the both of you?" I asked and they both nod.

"Of course." Mom and dad said.

I put my hands to both of their cheeks to show them the vision. When I finished showing them, they looked shocked.

Soon I hear multiple footsteps and I look up to see aunt Alice, uncle Jasper, grandma Esme, and grandpa Carlisle.

"Jordan are they okay?" Alice asked.

I got up and put my hand to my grandparent's cheek and after I did that, I put my hands on aunt Alice and uncle Jasper's cheek. They all looked surprised and shocked.

Soon I hear.

"The vision you just showed us. That's your mate isn't it?" Grandpa Carlisle asked.

"Yes." I said.

"You are gay?" Jasper asks.

"Yes." I said again.

"Jordan." I hear dad say and I turn to him.

"Yes dad?" I asked.

"You can't tell Edward, Bella and your sister. They'll surely do something." Mom said.

"Of course." I said.

*Skip a few days*(He looks around 15 or 16 years old pic in the next chapter)

I was sitting on the couch, watching TV with my dad when I hear glass break and I'm sucked into a vision. All I see is snow and black cloaks.

At the end of it I see the Volturi necklace. I gasp and start panicking, mom and dad rush over and grab my hands calming me down and to see the vision.

"The Volturi......." Alice started.

"They're coming for us." I finished.

*Skip the conversation and a couple days*

I was working on my teleportation when I accidentally teleported in the room where everyone were in.

"Sorry." I said and teleported away.

But what I didn't realize was that everyone started watching me annoy Seth with my power.

Rosalie's P.O.V.

Me and Emmett were watching Jordan working on his teleportation when I hear footsteps. I slightly turn to see Tanya and Kate Denali walking towards us.

"May I ask why you two are watching Jordan and not Bella and Edward?" Tanya asks.

But before Emmett or myself could answer, I heard Jordan say.

"Bella, Edward and Renesmee all hate me. Edward blamed me for 'breaking' Bella's rib-cage. So Rosalie and Emmett adopted me as their own." Jordan explained.

They looked towards Jordan shocked.

"Oh." Kate said shocked.

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