Chapter 5

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>Jordan's bedroom--->

Jordan's P.O.V.

We just got home and I head up to my room and laid down on my bed. I grabbed my book called 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 2 by Jk Rowling'. It was probably fifteen minutes before there was a knock on my door. "Come in." I said and the door opened to reveal my mom and dad. "Hey sweetheart." Mom said and walked over to sit on my bed and dad sat in my computer seat. "Hey mom. Hey dad." I said looking up from my book.

"How are you doing?" Dad asks me. "I'm okay dad. You don't need to worry." I said and I can tell my parents looked at each other and then back at me. "We're worried for you. I mean you have a mate now and the mate bond is going to be strong." Mom said. "I said I'm fine." I said and went back to my book. I hear them get up and leave my room. 

I was almost done with my book when my door was knocked on again. "Mom. I already told you I'm fine now please leave me alone." I said. "Well you're lucky I'm not your mom." A familiar voice said and I look up to see my mate. "How are you here? I thought you would've gone back to Volterra?" I asked surprised. "Aro had me come here and stay for a while to get to know you." Felix said and I just looked at him.

I gestured for him to come sit on my bed. He happily obliged and sat next to me. "What's your full name?" Felix asked me. "Jordan Poseidon-Hades Cullen. What are you hobbies when you aren't doing any missions?" I asked. "I like to read or prank my friends mostly Demetri. Why do you call Rosalie and Emmett your parents?" Felix asked. I look down and sigh.

"When I was born Edward blamed me for 'breaking' Bella's spine and that made him hate me. He made Bella hate me too while Renesmee already hated me when we were in the womb. So Rosalie and Emmett adopted me." I explained and a tear fell from my face.  Felix reaches over to whip the tear from my face and I look to him. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that." Felix said softly. Before I could respond the door opens to reveal Alice with a pile of clothes.

We both look to her confused and I see Jasper by the door looking guilty. "Sorry to interrupt but I have some clothes for you Felix." Aunt Alice said handing Felix the clothes which he took from her. "Thank you Alice." Felix said and she looked at him wide-eye.  "Your welcome Felix. Oh and Jordan your parents want to take you hunting." Alice said and left the room while closing the door.

Felix looks to me and looks down at the clothes Alice gave him. "I'll look away while you change into them." I said and went to my closet to change from the clothes I had on. I went back out to see he had changed into the clothes Alice gave him. I see him reading one of my books and I see it is 'Harry Potter and The Goblet Of Fire by Jk Rowling'.

"I see you found my book." I said and Felix looked up at me. "It's interesting but I don't get the entire thing." He said and I chuckled. "That's because that's the fourth book." I said and he looked at me. "Really?" He asked. "Yup." I said.

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