Chapter 2

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15 or 16 year old Jordan

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15 or 16 year old Jordan

Jordan's P.O.V.

It was the day before the battle and I look around 18 years old. I was in my tent and I could hear everyone's conversations. But when I hear Garrett's voice and I zoom myself next to Benjamin and Tia.

"Hey kid." Garrett said.

"Hey Garrett." I said.

"Why are you out here?" Kate asked from Garrett's lap.

"Ever since Jordan was 13 or 12 years old. He read every book about the different kinds of wars." Mother said and Garrett faced me. 

"So you want to hear about some war stories?" He asked and I nodded happily.

"Okay, name one war." Garrett said and I thought about it before I said.

"World War 1." Everyone looked to me and I hear them chuckle.

"I was in it." Garrett said and I cheered.

Mom and dad came over to sit next tome and I listened to everyone's stories. Soon I hear Vladimir and Stefan tell their war story. I grabbed my mother's hand and told her this story is boring. After Vladimir and Stefan's story was over, I laid my head on mother's shoulder and I was sucked into a vision.

Rosalie's P.O.V.

After Jordan put his head on my shoulder he went quiet. I hear a gasp come from Jordan and I see he went into a trance.

"Mom. Pen and paper please." Jordan said and I see Tanya grab a pen and paper.

He handed it too Jordan and he started to draw. Everyone turned towards Jordan except for Bella and Edward.

When he was done I saw a field with us on side and the Volturi on the other side. But two things stood out to me. One I see Alice, Jasper and two others and two Bella wasn't there. Jordan looked to me, Emmett and everyone else.

"Aunt Alice and uncle Jasper didn't really leave us. They went to find someone like me and Renesmee. And Bella dies." Jordan said and we all looked shocked.

*Skip The Next Day*

Jordan's P.O.V.

It was the next day and everyone was saying their goodbyes to their families in case this turned into a bloodbath.

"I love you guys. Thank you for adopting me." I said and my adopted parents hugged me.

"We love you too kiddo." Dad said.

We all stood in the field nervously looking at the other side of the field.

I soon see hear the Volturi's footsteps and I hear Garrett mumble something.

"The red coats are coming. The red coats are coming." Garrett murmured.

I soon see them come out of the forest and they make room for Aro, Marcus, Caius and the guards to come out of the middle.

I look at each and every single one of them, but when I see Felix. I look down and grab mom's hand. We talked through my power.

"You didn't tell me he's tall." I said.

"Well I wanted you to see for yourself." Mom said back.

"Aro's looking for Alice." Edward said and I see Aro look at each and every single one of us.

I turned invisible and let go of mother's hand.

Carlisle steps forward and starts to talk. But when that didn't work and Aro said Edward's name.

"Maybe from some with what started this entire thing. Edward since the child clings to your newborn mate. I'd assume your're involved." Aro said and held out his hand.

Edward looks to Bella and Renesmee lovingly and walks to Aro. Edward puts his hand in Aro stretched out hand and I hear.

"I'd like to meet them." Aro told Edward.

"THEM?!?" Caius exclaimed. 

"It appears there is twins. A boy and girl." Aro said.

I undid my power, but stayed behind mother and father. Bella, Jacob and Renesmee started to walk forward and Bella looks toward father. Mom looks between us and hugs the two of us before letting us go. Dad walks forward and I come out from behind dad.

I smirked when I hear the thoughts of the Volturi and their witnesses saying how older I look.

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