Obsession and Justice.

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She's at it again. Scrawling my name again and again and again in that Poundland notepad again. I know I am amazing in all aspects of life but this is excessive! I attempt to approach her in the bustling corridors, the smell of bubble gum cascades into my nose,  yet she vanishes. The crowd must have swept her away like a leaf in a hurricane. I must keep eyes peeled. Oh I also need to make sure to stop staring at myself in the mirror too much so I won't be late to class. 

I spot her again, but alas, she manages to flee. Thankfully she dropped the notepad, inside I become over encumbered with drawings of me( at least she got the abs right). I take it home to analyse, until my bald father bursts in to remind me not to do 1million sit-ups at 2am tonight. He doesn't get it. Nevertheless, I acquired the necessary information, devised a plan and trained up. Now is the time for action. That night I did 1million and 1 sit-ups.

Wind was scurrying in-between my hair, I took a moment to inhale the crisp air. Abruptly, I leapt from 50ft in the air and... the crack of her rips after making contact resounded in the empty street. Got her. Presently, I lifted her up by the collar and slammed her against the wall. She could only wheeze and whimper in a fit of panic. "What do you want," she stutters in shaking breaths.

"I want you to stop being so obsessed with me," I exhale in a deep gasp. 

"I can't I've loved you ever since I've laid eyes on you, you complete me. I can 't help but admire you," I don't  blame her. "Why are you in a Batman costume?"

Before she can utter another sound, my knee collides with her pulsating gut. Justice. Before she can even open her tearful and blurred eyes I am gone. Justice. She definitely got the message. JUSTICE!!!

I can finally relax, at least that's what I thought, my dad ,who is extremely bald, was waiting to berate me for doing sit-ups again. His protruding eyes strike fear into my heart, before he could chew me out I shattered through the window and glided off into the night. There will always be more to save. 

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