Enticing Eyes

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It was Y/N's first day as a citizen of Los Angeles. She had analysed the city from her car window during the journey from the airport, and found herself quite impressed. It was big and bright, unlike the dreary, cramped city of London she was moving from. The people, however, were a different story.

It was true enough that she hadn't met anyone from LA in person yet, but none of them seemed to interest her. From what she had seen online, most people here were wannabes, shallow, and fake. Most looked the same, acted the same, and all had the same goal, which was to be famous, and it didn't matter to them which way they achieved it.

She supposed she'd have to put her theory to the test and give them all the benefit of the doubt before making a solid judgement, though. Stepping out of the car, she took in the view of her new home. A mansion set in a gated community, surrounded by mountains, thanks to her father's growing career as a film director.

Suddenly, Y/N was surprised at the sight of someone who looked different from the rest, strolling down the street towards her driveway. Under a black umbrella, two eyes lined with black looked back at her, and a wide mouth with full lips grinned.

"Hello, there," the man sang in a soft, angelic voice. "You must be moving in."

"You're...Michael Jackson!" Y/N's father, Hugh, exclaimed, holding out his hand for Michael to shake, which he did.

"Lovely to meet you!" cried Y/N's mother, Patricia, grinning ear-to-ear with a hand placed dramatically on her chest.

Michael giggled. "Nice to meet you, too. Do you need any help brining in your belongings?"

Patricia waved her hands around. "Oh, no, don't trouble yourself, Michael, we're fine!"

Michael giggled once again. "Okay, if you insist."

"So what's it like here, Michael?" Hugh asked, clearly attempting to come off nonchalant and hide the fanboy screaming inside of him. "In LA?"

Although Y/N's parents began chatting the man's ear off, and she stood awkwardly behind them like a lemon, she noticed from the corner of her eye that his gaze was set solely on her. She avoided locking eyes, but they couldn't help gravitating towards Michael's. When Y/N gave in, and allowed their eyes to meet, she saw Michael's gaze drift from her face, and trail subtly down to her lower body. Y/N pulled down her tiny dress, afraid her parents would catch Michael staring and think him wrong for it. She already wanted to protect him.

"Hello," Y/N spluttered out of shock, feeling that the awkward but enticing eye contact happening between them had held out a little too long.

Michael took ahold of Y/N's hand with his and shook it firmly, prolonging the embrace a few moments longer than he had with her parents. Y/N let the feeling sink into her nerves, taking a deep breath and indulging in the moment. When Michael finally let go, she could almost feel the shape of his hand remaining in hers.

"Michael," he stated modestly, though of course he knew she was well aware.


"What a pretty name!"

A few more minutes passed of Michael and Y/N's parents making casual conversation about LA, studios to hire, and life in London, all the while Y/N stood idly and replayed her interaction with Michael in her head time and time again.

It was almost as if he had left her speechless, in a trance. She was sure there was some sort of connection, an attraction on both ends, but she rationalised with herself, regardless. He was Michael Jackson, for God's sake. He could have any one of his millions of fans he pleased.

Saying his goodbyes to the family, Michael leaned into Y/N for a parting hug, and she very nearly froze in fear after overthinking their previous interaction. She felt a hand slipping down to her back pocket. At first, her heart pounded, assuming Michael went in for a cheeky touch, but after he had left, and she moved her leg to step closer to her parents, she felt a crinkle in her back pocket. She reached into it, finding a note with a phone number and the word "NEVERLAND" written below it.


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