Tender Thoughts

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Expecting to see Michael turn up in some sort of luxury sports car, Y/N waited at the bottom of her new, long front drive. She was surprised to see Michael emerge from the shadows of a nearby bush. They both made their ways towards each other in the near darkness, and as they reached, under illumination of a streetlight, Y/N noticed Michael's eyeliner smudged around his eyes, and a watery trail of it leading down to his jaw.

Michael smiled shyly. "Hello."


"How are you?"

"I'm good."

"So, what do you think of it here so far?"

Y/N giggled. "I haven't seen much of it yet apart from the mountains outside my window."

"I wish I could show you, but I'll be seen."

"Do you like it? Being famous?"

"I love my fans," Michael said softly, "but there are horrible people, too. People that will accuse me of things, and hurt me, not because they believe what they accuse me of, but because they want to bully someone and have it be justified. It makes them feel powerful."

Silence filled the night air. Y/N cared about what he was saying, and her heart ached for the way he had to live, but in the forefront of her mind was the fact that Michael trusted her. He was airing his deepest feelings so openly without fear she'd twist his words and sell them for money. Perhaps it was because she already had money, and he knew that from her house, but he surely wouldn't share such tender thoughts to just anyone in this wealthy neighbourhood.

"I know," Y/N whispered. Another question was playing on her mind. "On the phone you said you've never seen anyone like me before. What made me so different?"

"To tell you the truth, when my assistants were doing their research on your family, I asked them to do a little extra on you. I saw you had degrees from university, so I knew you were smart, and that you fundraise for children and animals, so I knew you were kind. Those two things are the most important factors of a person to me. I would say attraction comes after, but, to be honest, they really make the attraction. Anything to do with physical appearance is just a bonus."

Y/N's heart completely melted. This man was the most pure and talented person she had ever met. The thought of anyone ever hurting him was impossible to bear, and she decided then and then that she would do everything in her power to protect him forever. "Do I have that bonus?" she asked softly.

Michael looked away, shy. "Yes."

Y/N could tell Michael was out of his comfort zone, that he didn't like talking about physical attraction, so she left it at that. She had her answer.

"I have an interview tomorrow," Michael said. "I want you to come along."


"Yes." He smiled. "Your father's a director—maybe you'd want to follow the same path. You can see how all the filming is done."

"Don't you think you ought to ask my father instead?"

"But I don't wanna take your father, I wanna to take you," Michael said stubbornly.

Butterflies swarmed Y/N's stomach. She didn't really think Michael should take her father—she just wanted to see what he would say. "What time is it tomorrow?"

"Just get up early in the morning and I'll surprise you." Michael smiled, taking Y/N's hands.

Feeling the cold hardness of his strong fingers with her thumbs, Y/N twinkled back at Michael. "I like surprises," she whispered.


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