Festering Thoughts

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The moment Michael rounded the corner and was out of earshot, Y/N's parents turned to face each other.

Hugh's mouth formed into a perfect gobsmacked circle. "We just met Michael Jackson!"

Patricia shared the same expression. "Do you think he lives nearby?!"

"He must do," said Hugh. "Or at least one of his houses must be around here—I'm sure he has tons. He wouldn't have greeted us, otherwise."

"My God, Michael Jackson for a neighbour! Who would've thought it?" Patricia exclaimed.

Y/N simply watched on, still in shock.

Glancing down at the phone number Michael had slipped into her back pocket, Y/N wondered whether she should tell her parents or keep it to herself. Michael was quite a bit older than her, so of course her parents would think it strange. Perhaps they'd even go as far as informing the police. But Y/N was older than eighteen. It wasn't like she was a child, though her parents still treated her like one. That had its benefits, but it also meant they were protective when it came to Y/N's love life.

She did currently have a boyfriend back in England, where she had moved from, though their relationship had been on the rocks ever since she began her move. Liam's love language was physical touch, and he had voiced this concern incessantly until Y/N concluded that he was hinting at a breakup, but was too scared to propose the idea directly. Which was why she didn't feel at all guilty about the unholy thoughts surfacing in her head about Michael Jackson.

But in this moment, she shook them out of her mind as hard as she could, trying tune back into her parents' conversation and begin unloading her belongings from the mover's truck, but they remained at the back of it, festering and growing stronger every moment she pushed them away.


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