Blondie- 2

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"I'm not a dumb blonde"


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I sat on the chair in front of her dress up table, unable to see the work Tiara was doing on me as she blocked my vision of seeing the mirror. I was not sure if this idea of hers was brilliant, but it was the only choice I had. Picking one of her wigs she began her job in ensuring to cover my blonde hair until my next month allowance from my parents. Where I can then go back and dye my hair brown.

"How long?" I asked for the hundredth time, sitting in one position was beginning to feel uncomfortable.
"Oh, shush. A few more minutes." She said, concealing the the front part of the wig before cutting it and parting my hair before stepping aside with a wide smile satisfied by her job.

I looked at myself in her mirror, you could not see the my blonde hair. I smiled at her, impressed by her job. The wig she had chosen was similar to the colour and how my hair use to be before I became blonde, I was satisfied yet afraid if this would work before my parents or anyone at work would come to realise.

"Hopefully this will work, I should head home." I said standing up and turning to face Tiara, she shook her head making me narrow my eyes at her.
"There is a house party at the king's dorm. You know, where the quarterback stay. Why don't you stay over tonight, come to the party and then head home tomorrow?" She asked, I frowned already hearing my parents disapproval in my ears. They have always been against sleepovers, they were afraid I would do something that they would not be happy about if they allowed me to sleep at my friends house.

"I can't, you know my parents. They are against sleep overs." I said, the frown on my lips only depended which made Tiara frown before nodding her head in understanding.

"Maybe, you can go home and pack your bag and I'll come over and lie to your parents saying how my parents are deciding to keep a catholic mass at there house, and have invited you over." Tiara's parents were both religious as mine, it surprised me when they allowed her to move out into a dorm, they came from a family where her uncle was a priest living a lonely life devoting himself to god.

"I'll try, but it depends on my parents mood." I shrugged and she nodded her head, I grabbed my back pack before leaving her dorm wearing my new wig, as I passed some of the students from my society my anxiety levels took a jump but all they did was smile and ask for my day.

This made me feel a lot more comfortable, I began to greet them as I walk pass instead of waiting for them to. I was surprised that Tiara's plan was actually working, it made a big smile appear on my lips. It soon faded when my body slammed itself into a hard wall and stumbled back, I closed my eyes ready to feel the hard ground but I never instead I felt arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me back into a hard chest.

Fluttering my eyes open, I froze on the spot not being able to move away. I was startled, I had nearly dropped to the ground which could have embarrassed me to no extent. Taking a step back, I thanked the person before looking up, I felt goosebumps appear on my arms as I looked into the grey eyes of our university's quarterback. Apollo Campbell.

"Thank you." I whispered, awaiting for a response which never came as he just nodded his head and walked away. I sighed, of course he would never talk to a person like me. I shook my head and decide to hurry home it was the only and best solution I had.

The walk to my house was another half an hour, my legs felt like jelly when I reached the front door. Pulling out my keys I unlocked the door, and walked inside. Instantly, I could hear the radio which played the bible and the humming from the kitchen.

I approached the kitchen greeting my mother, who smiled and pecked my cheeks. I then walked to the living room where my father sat a newspaper in his hand, as he buried himself into reading.
"I'm back home father." I greeted, watching as he lowered his newspaper as I approached a smile on his face as I kissed his cheeks.

"I received Tiara's phone call, I find it really pleasing you two girls are looking into our religion and beliefs. I allow you to stay over at the Jones, just be back early tomorrow." I nodded my head even though I was beaming and dancing on the inside, this would be the first time my father agreed to something I wanted. Even the clothes I wore were brought by my mother, it made me frown as they made sure that all my outfits had no slits or cuts.

"Thank you, father. I will be back early tomorrow." I said to which he nodded his head before going back into reading his newspaper, I turned and walked out before approaching my room. Upon entering I hurried towards my hidden stash of clothes that I brought from my allowance I had saved up.

Grabbing a beautiful black shirt dress, which was sleeveless and hugged my body tightly before matching it with my black heels. I packed my make up and all my essentials before covering it up with some of the clothes which were chosen by my mother.

I froze as the door twisted open, mother walked in with a smile. I was glad she could not see anything, as I had covered my hidden stash of clothes with the clothes she had brought. I zipped my bag before returning her smile.

"Mother, is everything okay?" I asked, she nodded her head before opening her wallet and pulling out a few cash and extending her hands towards me.
"Keep this between you and me, maybe after the mass you and Tiara could go have some food." She said handing me the money, I smiled at her and gave her a tight hug which she returned.

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