Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
Dreadful Museum Tours

A/N: I didn't really fully edit this so sorry if there's any mistakes!


Corrine was secretly grateful for the interruption. She blurted out a rushed, "Nice to meet you!" And dragged Peter and Harry along with her.

Norman was startled at the rude ending of their conversation and he bellowed a, "I hope to see you again," as the trio advanced up the stairs

"He doesn't seem so bad," Peter admitted, adjusting the strap of his bag onto his shoulder. After being practically dragged up the steps, he's appearance was scattered and so were his thoughts.

Corrine couldn't believe her ears, she scoffed at his statement, " He didn't even glance in my direction. It was all science this and science that." It wasn't that she was an attention whore, she just wanted to be acknowledged for something. And being acknowledged by someone like Norman Osborn would boost her greatly.

Harry nodded absentmindedly, his mind was replaying the conversation with his father. A pit of worry began to form in his gut, he felt like an idiot when he was with Peter. And being an idiot in front of his father was the worst. "He only seems that way if you're a genius. I think he wants to adopt you Peter."

The trio shared a laugh as they began walking around the building.


Corrine was antsy, she wanted this tour to be over so she could check up on her father. The skin around her nails was picked raw, an unhealthy habit she had picked up along with smoking and the occasional drink or four. Today her father would be coming home with news about his treatment. Cori silently prayed that it was nothing but good news. But who even knows if He was listening up in the sky. She was an atheist yet she would still hope that if He was out there he would hear her pleas.

The guide finally stopped in front of a few desks and what seemed to be some scientists. "There are over 32,000 known species of spider in the world. They're in the order Araneae, divided into three suborders."

"That's amazing! This is the most advanced electron microscope in the eastern seaboard. It's unreal." Peter's face lit up, this was most definitely his scene. Cori shot him glare, she hoped he wouldn't ask too many questions that would stall the tour, this was definitely not her scene.

The guide continue to lecture the group about the spiders in this room, "Arachnids from all three groups possess varying strengths which help them in their constant search for food. For example, the Delena spider, family Sparassidae has the ability to jump to catch its prey."

Now this interested Corrine, not all the 'sciencey bullshit' as she would call it, but the spiders. "You should snap some photos, for the paper and for me. These would be wicked to paint!" She beamed at Peter. He shot her a lopsided grin, one that would make girls hearts sing if he was deemed attractive enough. She thought he was pretty cute, but she would never date him, especially when she knew his heart belonged to Mary-Jane.

Peter's came out as a squeak as he interrupted the guide, "Can I take a photo, for the school paper?"

The guide gave a curt nod in his direction and continue speaking. Corrine still had no idea why they were even here, why couldn't they have atleast gone to the aquarium. She loved the colours of the sea. Peter fumbled with his camera before getting it ready for the shot, just as he was about to take it some of Flash's goons bumped into him, screwing up the image. Anger coursed through Peter, but it simmered down as quickly as it came.

Corrine groaned "How many times is this tour guide going to stop to talk about nonsense."

"Next, we have the net web spider, family Filistatidae genus Kukulcania. It spins an intricate funnel shaped web whose strands have a tensile strength proportionately equal to the type of high tension wire." The guides voice rang among the teens.

Peter took this as an opportunity to try and take another shot. Yet once again the goons bumped into him.

Harry noticed this encounter take place and decided it was his job to stick up for his friend, "Leave him alone."

Flash's crony grunted at the brunette, "Or what? Your daddy is gonna to fire me?"

"Or is daddy gonna sue me?." Flash added to his buddy's remark. He wore a shit eating grin and Corrine, now walking over to the group, wanted nothing more than to wipe it off.
And Corrine got ready to do just that, "Oh I'm gonna enjoy wiping that smug look off your face." She rolled up her sleeve and raised her arm, ready to strike.

But date struck again and Mr. Dewey ambled over, "What on earth is going on here? The next person who talks will fail this course. I kid you not."

Corrine was filled with shame, not with getting in trouble but with not being able to get a good hit in before the teacher caught them. She mumbled to him "Sorry sir..."

The guide had moved on the group needed to catch up, "This grass spider..."

Mr. Dewey was fuming, Corrine could practically see the smoke billowing out of his ears, "Let's go." He spoke, hastily moving the group along.

"Those guys were jerks," Peter stated. They were always bugging him, and because Corrine was friends with him they usually bugged her as well.

"I agree, they were total assholes" Corrine responded. Flash and his goons always got on her nerves. Why couldn't they just leave poor Parker alone...


A/N: ah so chapter two done, not as long as chapter one! I'll try to update more often as well so please excuse the late updates. Comment and vote! also im not even done this story but I already want to write a stranger things fic. and I'm debating whether it should be a steve x oc x billy (but billy is kinda a fling ish), a steve x oc, a billy x oc, a Robin x oc, or an oc x oc. Thanks for reading!

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