Chapter Twelve: Bullying Project

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Entoan's View

As I was about to ask the teacher for my seat, Ohm took a hold of my arm and dragged me towards my seat without even asking the teacher where my seat was located. He ignored the teachers dirty look cast at him and smiled brightly at me. I frowned apologetically to the teacher. I didn't want to get on this man's bad side straight away.

He pat the seat next to him, "Here, take a seat." He said.

I smiled, "Alright then." I replied, taking a seat next to Ohm.

Ohm seemed to brighten up at the fact I was sitting with him. It made me happy knowing that someone else was actually pleased by my presence for once. This time I was wanted, not unwanted. I smiled and faced forward, just in time to see the teacher look my way.

"Mr. Gunner, is it?" He asked, using my first name for some odd reason. Normally, it would be your last name used when speaking formally.

I nodded, "Yup." I said.

He perked his lips together and let out a loud sigh, "Seeing Ohm here has taken you to a seat, one in which you don't belong in but I will allow it to go, you two may work together for the project I'm about to give the class." He stated, the class whining at the sound of a project.

The teacher scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Oh for the love of my life, will you all shut up and let me explain the project? I didn't even get to tell you what it was going to be on." He said.

Ohm snickered, "Mr. Matheson is always like this. He's actually a really laid back teacher until you get on his nerves." He told me.

I looked over at Ohm, "I can tell he's laid back." I muttered, noticing how lazy Mr. Matheson's posture was. It was like he could give two damns. He didn't seem like he wanted to be here.

"Now then, the project." He mused, walking over to the whiteboard as he picked up a marker. Mr. Matheson wrote on the board. "I want you all to pair up and think about what I'm going to be assigning. Think about what we're having an assembly on next week."

Ohm grinned at me and pulled my seat closer to his, I burned a bright red as my chair almost toppled over. Ohm muttered an apology and scratched his neck.

"Um, anyways, I'm guessing you might not know what the topic is about seeing you transferred here in the middle of the year and all." He pointed out, "But it still should be pretty obvious. Do you have any clue on what we're doing a project on?"

I frowned, "I'm not sure... Drugs and alcohol?" I took a guess.

He shook his head, "You're close, but not close enough. Think bigger, maybe worse even." He urged me on.

I sighed, "Teen pregnancy." I stated bluntly.

Even though I couldn't see Ohm's eyes, I knew he was looking at me like I was some kind of weirdo. My cheeks heated up in embarrassment as he started to laugh like a mad man. I turned away from him with a pout on my face.

"Oh m-my god! Ahaha-...! Did you...- Really? How?!" He tried questioning me, but his laughter took over.

I crossed my arms and scoffed, "Well, is it or what?" I asked.

He shook his head, "N-No, no... It's about bullying, duh." He said, his laughing calming down to a soft chuckle.

My body stiffened at that word; bullying. I never thought that subject would be brought up into my life again. After so many years of counseling - three at most - I've made it through a good amount of High school without any problems. When I moved away during eighth grade, all my problems went away. Right out the window. That was when I was free from Gassy's clutches. Now that we have to get on this subject and make a project out of it... I frowned. I'm already shivering in fear.

"O-Oh, great!" I exclaimed.

Ohm smiled, "Yeaaah, pretty interesting, huh?" He stated, seeming to eye me warily, taking notice on how uncomfortable I was. "Are you okay, Gunner?"

I tried to give him the best and most assuring smile, I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about things we could do with this project." I lied.

Ohm nodded, believing the lie I practically fed him, "Dammit, we should probably get started on ideas for this project." He said, punching my shoulder lightly. "You're pretty smart, man."

I rolled my eyes, "Thanks I guess."

Mr. Matheson cleared his throat, "I'm going to assume that you all know what the topic is, yes? So, moving on to what I want you all to do exactly." He explained, picking up the dry erase marker once again. He added some other things to the board.

Project for English: Due 5/5/15

Subject: Bullying

Make a script and act out it out in front of the class. Make sure to include a bully and a victim. You may use violent language to some extent, but you cannot get physical.

"Everything to need to know is on the board. If you have any questions come up to my desk and I'll try to answer them as best as I can." He stated, placing the marker down. He walked over to his desk and sat down. "You have the rest of the period to work."

Everyone shifted around the room, moving to sit with their partners. Some people only moved to chat with their friends, the project going through one ear and out the other. They didn't seem to care about this project at all. I sighed and turned to Ohm.

"So, do you have any ideas on what we can do for this project?" I asked.

He nodded and flipped his notebook open, writing on the top of the clean page: bullying project ideas.

"Mm, not really, but I'm sure we can come up with something." He said, glancing over at me, "You wouldn't happen to have an idea by any chance, would you?"

I bit my lip. The only possible ideas I could come up with were real experiences I went through, but should I even offer these to him? I mean, he wouldn't know that these are things I actually went through. He'd think they were just some ideas that came into mind. I sighed, it's worth a shot.

"Yeah, I do have some ideas, actually..." I muttered quietly.

Ohm smiled and leaned in close to me, "Really?! Great!" He shouted, laughing on happiness. "Come on, write it down."

I took my pencil and wrote my 'ideas' on his paper. Ohm was grinning like a fool the whole time I was writing away. I have no idea why he was so happy, maybe he was shocked? Surprised? Who knows.

Ohm frowned as he took the notebook from me and read all my ideas, "Woah... All these are so depressing." He pointed out. He looked at me from behind his blindfold. "Are these real experiences or something?"

I bit my tongue from saying yes, "No, just some plain old ideas... That's all." I lied.

"Well, these plain old ideas are very detailed and...realistic." He muttered.

"Is that bad?" I asked.

"No, it's perfect! Let's get started on this project, Gunner my man." Ohm said in a deep voice that made me chuckle.

I shook my head and laughed it off, "Okay, let's do this."


A/N: Ahhh, it's been a while since I've updated this, huh? Sadly, I didn't mean to neglect this book at all. I've just been having problems (school, sick, etc.), even writers block. Mainly due to this book being based of my personal experiences with High School. Yeah, your basically reading my life here in two guys perspectives.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed. Till next time, my ducklings.

Don't bully others. Be the one stopping the bully.

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