Chapter Four: Broken Trust

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[ Countdown: Two Days... ]

[ Hospital ]

Dlive's View

I paced back and forth beside the rooms door, my head in my hands. Entoan has been in the hospital for a day so far; it was currently Wednesday. My mom called me in 'sick' for school, so I could stay and comfort Entoan if he ever woke up today. Though, the doctors are saying he might not be up for another week or so... But in my heart, I know he'll wake up soon. I know he will.

He just happened to have a panic attack. It's normal, but it's a pretty scary sight to see right in front of you. I sighed and walked over to the edge of the hospital bed Entoan slept in. I hesitantly grabbed his hand, caressing his knuckles with my thumb.

"Entoan... please wake up." I whispered, a frown on my lips.

My thoughts wandered over to the whole scene I saw before I started chasing after Entoan when school ended. I remember seeing Entoan run past me super fast with a pissed off Gassy following after him. That's when everything went downhill. After I went running for Entoan, Gassy shouted out some threats here and there and was catching up fairly quickly. I couldn't let Gassy touch Entoan; not now, not ever.

Luckily, I knew a shortcut to get to the other side much faster than both of them. And when I went through my so-called secret path, Entoan passed by. That was the chance I was given to keep him out of harm's way. So I took it. But all I want to know is what happened that pissed Gassy off so badly? I might have to ask him that myself when I see him tomorrow at school...

The door to Entoan's hospital room creaked from behind me. I looked over to see his mom walking in.

She frowned and ran over to Entoan, "Oh my god, my baby...!" She gasped, covering her mouth in shock. "Dlive, is he okay?! Were you here all this time?!"

I jumped slightly and looked over at her. "I don't know if he is... the doctors say he'll be up in a week or so, and yes, Mrs. Gumm. I have." I answered, giving her a sad smile. I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. She began to cry on my shoulders, murmuring Entoan's name.

"T-Thank you for staying here with my baby, Dlive. I'm g-glad Entoan has a friend like you." She said, patting her eyes dry with a cloth. There were smudges of colors. Clearly indicating her make-up came off due to her tears.

I smiled. "It's what a best friend is for... when he's in need, I'll be there." I said.

She kissed my forehead. "Oh dear... you r-really are such a k-kind boy, Dlive." She muttered happily.

The door opened once again; it was Entoan's doctor. She looked at Entoan's mother, "Miss, are you Entoan's guardian?" She asked, glancing at her clipboard.

She nodded. "Yes, I am his mother." She answered.

"Great. Now, please follow me, and don't panic. Your son is perfectly fine, I simply want to discuss some ways to avoid this from happening again." The doctor said, walking out of the room with Entoan.

I watched them both leave. Now the room was dead silent, all I could hear was Entoan's breathing. I frowned.

"When are you going to wake up, Entoan?" I muttered, walking over to him. I trailed my finger down his face, smiling softly at the peaceful look he had on his face. It was nice to see him like this. Usually he's all tense because of Gassy.

Entoan suddenly began to move. He groaned and squirmed around, his eyes fluttering open. "D-D...Dlive?" He breathed out, a small smile on his lips.

He sat up. A grin found it's way to my lips, "Entoan!" I shouted, throwing my arms around him. "Oh my god, man! You don't know how much you worried me!"

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