Chapter Nineteen: Back and Not Afraid

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Entoan's View

I looked over at the clock on the counter - 6:56 AM. My eyes widened ever so slightly. School starts at 7:35 AM, I believe. I swore under my breath. I went around the house and grabbed my book bag along with an apple and a water bottle. Realization hit me in the face. How was I going to get to school? My parents weren't going to be able to take me, nor did I have a bike or anything else really.

I sighed, "This is great..." I muttered a bit annoyed. "I should probably check on Smarty before I even think of heading out."

I made my way to Smarty's room. I grabbed the doorknob and twisted it, giving the door a slight push as I peeked inside. He was still sleep and sound in his bed. I smiled slightly. I didn't want him to even think about going to school just yet. Today was his day off... He needed this. I shut the door and went to turn around. Laura stood there, peering at me in curiosity.

I jumped, "L-Laura, hi." I blurted out.

She nodded. "How is he? Is he better? Is he okay?" She asked me.

I nodded reassuringly. "He's okay, don't worry. He's just getting the rest he needs and I'm sure he is perfectly fine. Smarty just needs to relax and lose all the stress that was eating away at him from school and all. I would let him rest for a little longer if I were you..." I stated, explaining my thoughts on Smarty's situation. "Just consider this like it was a day off for Smarty, okay?"

Laura smiled and nodded. She scratched the back of her head and sighed. Leaning against the wall, she glanced at me with a big smile. It seemed like she was trying to thank me with this smile. I smiled back.

"Need a ride to school?" She asked me.

My eyes widened. I blinked and nodded, "Y-Yeah, if you don't mind." I stammered out.

She shook her head, "Of course I don't. Hop into the car, Entoan. I'll get the keys and we'll head out from there." She said.

I gave her a nod as she walked out the room to get the keys. I raised my eyebrow in curiosity. I'm honestly surprised she's taking this in so well. I shook my head. I don't know why I'm questioning anything about her, she knows what she is doing and the way she is feeling. I should know better than to assume anything about Smarty's mom. She's staying strong and that's all that really matters at this time. From here on out, I'm going to try and lessen the load on her by making things better for Smarty in school, even if the price of that is more trouble for myself. I can't watch someone else get bullied like this, especially by Gassy. There is no way in hell I am standing back and watching.

I walked over to the front door and made my way out to the car. I reached out to open the door, but my hand froze and I remembered something. Back then no one helped me when I needed them the most. Instead, they left me for the enemy. Dlive...he left me. I bit my lip.


I shook my head, pushing away what he said back then to the back of my mind. Not only did he leave me, but Chilled and Ze did, too. My best friends couldn't even bother to try and help out. They left me there alone to feel like I was absolutely nothing, like I was a nobody. Smarty doesn't need to feel that anymore. I want him to feel the joy of being helped and the joy of friendship, true friendship. I'm going to change things once and for all, even if it kills me.


I jumped at Laura's voice. I glanced over at her and she gave me a worried look. Quickly, I gave her a smile and she smiled back, all worry on her face gone in seconds. She opened the car door and hopped into the drivers seat, peering over at me, waiting for me to get into the car. I opened the door and got in. She turned the car on and fixed her mirrors. "You ready?" She asked me. I nodded, "Yeah."

She smiled and nodded. "Let's get you to school!"

I sighed softly and glanced out the window, watching as all of the houses and trees outside seemed to vanish as the car drove past them. I couldn't help but wonder what exactly was happening to Smarty while I was gone. I know that Gassy was rude to me back then, but he could have gotten worse while I was gone for the past few years. I mean, to go as far as to make Smarty feel like cutting is the appropriate solution? I frowned. God, I want to know what happened, but a part of me really doesn't want to know.

This has been going on for a while now too. My body shivered at the thought of Smarty dealing all of Gassy's blows. I shut my eyes, clenching my teeth together at the thought of Smarty begging for help. Begging for a friend. Yet not one person would come forward for him. The corner of my eyes grew wet.

I'm so sorry, Smarty. I'll change all of the bad that's been happening in your life somehow, don't you worry. I won't let you carry the burden anymore. I'm here.

Entoan is back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2019 ⏰

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