Part 13

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Long story

It was around 9:30am in the morning and I just woke up. I walk into my bathroom and take a shower. After I have a shower, I get dressed and do my skincare routine. I then walk downstairs to get some breakfast. "Morning," I say as I pick Wren up. "Morning, hey I was wondering if you could help me with something," Cole said. "Yea of course what is it?" I ask. "Well," he says as he pulls out a ring. ,omg finally, yes I'll help!" I yell excitedly. "I have booked a fancy restaurant for lunch and then I was thinking maybe we could meet at the beach," cole said. "So you'd have lunch, then drive to the beach, propose," I say. " I was hoping you could blindfold her and walk her down to the beach from the pathway, and then take it off and then I surprise her, he says. "Also I need videos and photos," he adds. " yea I can do all of that, if you need or want anything, I'll be more than happy to do if," I say. "Honesty thanks so- "
what happening!" Brooke asked as she walked in. "Nothing!" I say.

After I finished eating breakfast,  Cole and I went up to my room so we could talk about the proposal. After we talk I get dressed into something nice but nothing fancy as we were going to the beach and I wanted to go for a quick swim.

 After we talk I get dressed into something nice but nothing fancy as we were going to the beach and I wanted to go for a quick swim

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(Your outfit)

(Skip till lunch)

"Hey you ready?" I asked. "Yea, I'm nervous, what if she says no," Cole says kinda regretting his decisions. "Hey, she won't and I know that for a fact, you love her and she loves you," I say reassuring him. "Thanks y/n," he says. While Brooke and Cole were out having lunch, I had Wren and so I got her ready.

(Wrens outfit)

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(Wrens outfit)

After I got us ready, I got my camera and other stuff. I then pick Wren up and start walking to the beach as it isn't so far. (Idk if Atlanta has a beach, I'm not from there). "Alright Bub you ready for mom and dad's special moment," I say getting excited. I walk down to the water area and see a lot of people waiting. I spot Javon and Jaden in the crowd and so I walking up to them. "Hey," I say. "Hey, who's this?" Jaden asked. "My niece Wren," I answer. "She's cute, wonder we're she gets it from," Jaden says with a smirk. "Can you hold her for a sec, I have to go to the beach house thingy." I ask Javon. "Yea sure, he says as he takes Wren out of my arms.

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