Part 1

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Ember & Josh - twin siblings (8) boxer
Angie - Mom (45) boxer, actor
Reid - Dad (46) boxer
Cole - brother (23) boxer, football
Brooke - Sister in law (22) boxer, singer
Wren - baby neice (3 weeks old)
Leon - Cousin (14) Baseball, boxer
Mailia - Aunt (42) (mom's sister) boxer
Y/n - (14) skates, v-ball, boxer, singer
last name - Elbross

Y/n, Mailia, Leon and Reid are boxing champions. Leon and Y/n are 2 time champions. Y/n was one of the best cheer ans volley-ball playet in her old school's.

Brooke is also from Spain so y/n knows fluent Spanish :)

Y/n and Kylee used to be neighbor's when they were little but y/n moved away.


Maths - Mr Grant
English - Mrs Young
Language - Mr Sparrow
Gym - Mrs Willow
History - Mrs Ganik
Music - Mrs Singh
Art - Mrs Oklin
Chemistry - Mr Sprout

Y/n's and her family moved to a new house in Buford about 40 minutes from her old house. Y/n started a new school with a good report card and was always on time with her school work and sfuff. (Leon went to this school). She met Jayla on the volleyball team, Leon knew Jaden because of Baseball. Y/n and the Walton kids (Jayla, Javon, Jaden) get close over 3 months being around eachother constantly. Cole and Brooke just had a baby before we moved so it was hard for them to keep up with us.

 Cole and Brooke just had a baby before we moved so it was hard for them to keep up with us

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Next part - School

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