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Y/N pov

I woke up at 10am since it was saturday. I take my phone from my nightstand and go on insta. I see that i have a DM and view it. When i see who it is from i start screaming.

My door opens and my mom's head pops in "honey are u ok?" "Oh sorry mom, im fine." I say "why did u scream?" She asks "uhm its nothing" i reply "well if you say so" my mom says while smirking.

I open the DM.


Hey? Thanks u too😉.

I decide that im gonna reply. Just because idk lol.


@y/n y/ln
Oh, i thought you would not see my texts since youre famous lol!!

I sent the message and see that he is typing. Woah this boy has fast responds especially for somebody who is famous.


Nahh i kinda have a special settings for my DM's where only 10 people who dm me can appear so i guess youre kinda lucky. 🙂

@y/n y/ln
Yeah i guess ;)
I saw u do boxing, i've always wanted to do it but i am too lazy. 😏

Lol that was me at first but i kinda started loving it and now i am obsessed!

@y/n y/ln
I wish i was as motivated as u..

Lol. Send me ur number so we can talk amyday since my dm's change.

@y/n y/ln
Shore. *******28

Thanks but i gotto go since we have to be at a dinner tonight and my mom is forcing our whole family to go shopping so ill chat later.😊

@y/n y/ln
Kk enjoy shopping ;))

After chatting to Javon i got dressed into something casual because mom wanted to go to the mall.

I went downstairs and ate some lucky charms

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I went downstairs and ate some lucky charms. I then called mom. She came into the kitchen and said "our neighbours invited us over tonight at 7pm. So we have to get some nice clothing" "please tell me i dont have to wear a dress" i say crossing my fingers "sorry hun but we gotta make a good impressive" she replied "ughr fine" i said.

I slipped on my nike air force 1's and got into the car. Mom came out and had to put on the GPS since we did not know where the mall is.

After 10 mimutes we finally arrived at the mall. It was supposed to take us 5 minutes but mom drove as slow as a turtle. Lol.

Instagram Lover Boy | Javon Walton Where stories live. Discover now