new guy.

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*2 weeks later*

Y/n pov

Its been 2 weeks since i started school. Everyone is so nice and Javon and i have gotten closer than ever. We are literally best friends. I also made 2 new friends, their names are Brooklyn and Zahra. We are kinda close as well.

Today is monday and it is currently 6:15am. I get up and do my daily morning routine. I put my hair up in a messy bun.

I decide on wearing something comfy so i put on a pair of black leggings with a plain light blue nike sweater with my nike blazers.

I decide on wearing something comfy so i put on a pair of black leggings with a plain light blue nike sweater with my nike blazers

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When i am done i pack my bag for school and go downstairs. "Morning mom" i say "morning hun. So i have to go to a business meeting tonight and i might not come home tonight, so you can invite Jayla over." Mom said

I nod and make my cereal. I eat and scroll through insta until i hear a honk outside.

"Bye momma enjoy your day see you tomorrow" i say giving my mom a kiss on her cheek. "Bye baby love you" she said. "Love you too"

I walk to the car. "Morning guys" i say hopping into the back seat next to Javon. "Morning y/n. You seem like you are in a good mood." Jayla said

"so my mom has a business meeting and is only coming home tomorrow so you guys can come over." I say

"Ooh that sounds fun" says jaden "im down" says javon "ofcourse im there" says jayla

We drove to school while rapping to songs. When we got to school javon walked me to class since our classes were next to each other.

We parted ways and i went to go sit at the back of my class. Luckily my teacher was not in class yet so i took out my phone and scrolled through insta again.

5 minutes later my teacher walked in. "Morning class. So today we have a new student joining us." He said when a familiar looking boy walked into class.

"Could you introduce yourself please" said my english teacher. The boy cleared his throat and said "um hi im logan daniels." He then suddenly looked at me.

I realised that he was the cash guy from cotton on. He looked at the empty chair next to me. "Mr Daniels you can go get a seat"

Logan started walking my way and sat next to me.

We did not get much work. So i just took notes. 5 minutes before our class ended our teacher decided that it would be the best idea to give us homework.

when the bell rang i walked out of the class until i heard somebody calling my name. "Y/n wait up" i turned around and saw logan was calling me.

"Hey y/n so i was just wondering if i can get your notes seeing that i missed out on the first two weeks work" logan said. "Ok sure" i say taking my notes out of my bag and handing it to me. "Thanks" he said

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