first day.

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Y/n pov

Beep beep beep.
I hear my alarm go off at 6:20am. I wake up and brush my teeth. I was in no rush since i planned my outfit last night so that i did not waste time today.

Not gonna lie but im pretty excited for school today. I hope the people there are better than back in my hometown.

I put on a black and white crop top with a black ripped mom jeans. I then do my skincare and straighten my hair.

By the time i am done it is 7:02am. Jayla said they will pick me up at 7:25 since school is 10 minutes away and its my first day.

I go downstairs and make some bacon and eggs for mom and i. I put mom's aside and eat mine.

I then re-check my school bag to make sure i have everything. After a few minutes i hear a honk.

"Morning guys." i say to Jayla, Jaden and Javon. I had to sit in the backseat with Javon.

When we arrived at my new school. It was kinda big and it had a beautiful view of the ocean. So im guessing that is where the school got its name from.

We got out of the car and Jaden and said goodbye and walked to what im assuiming is his friends. Jayla said she had to meet up with her stuco (student council) friends. So which left me with Javon.

"My friends arent here yet so i will help you around for a bit." Javon said. "So you and Jaden dont have the same friends?" I aks curiously "Even tho i do sit with them sometimes and i really like them, i still prefer having different friends" he said.

Javon led me to the office to get my schedule. We saw that we had our first period together so he walked me to my class.

When we entered the class surprisingly nobody looked at us weird. At our old school everyone would be staring. But i guess javon was right about his school.

The class was pretty chilled we did not get any homework we just took notes. I already love my English teacher. She looks about in her early 30's and she is super sweet and kind.

After first period Javon gave me a little page of a map of the school. "I drew this when i first came here. You can have it" "oh thanks" i say smiling at him.

My day at school was actually nice. The people here are really kind and mind their own business. My maths teacher i already hate because he is super strict and was the only teacher who gave homework.

But it is the end of the day and im walking towards the parking lot. I see Javon and Jaden standing next to the car.

"Hey guys, where is Jayla?" I ask them "she usually stays behind for 45minutes because of stuco" jayden says.

"We are gonna go hang at the beach in the mean time." Javon said. We then walk down some stairs and i see the beach.

I took out my phone and took a picture to post on my instagram story.

I put away my phone and just enjoyed the view.

"Wanna play a game" javon asked "sure what game?" I ask "20 questions" he said "jaden?" Javon asked "nah im good" jaden said

"So should i start first or do you wanna" javon asked "nah you can" i say

"What is your favorite thing to do?" He asked. " i love playing the piano and dancing" i say "i wanna hear you play and see you dance" he says "doon" i just say "and wbats your favorite thing " i ask "i love boxing" he says "oh yes i wanna see you play" i say

"Favorite colour?" He asks "sage green" i say "ooh thats a nice colour" he says "and yours?" I asks "blue" he says "ofcourse. I mean you are literally wearing blue right now" i say

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