Chapter 13

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Worried for his sister and cousin, Yang Wen Ji did not stay together with his good friends and searched for the figures of Yang Xi Xue and Gu Ru Jiu on horseback. Seeing the two of them in the corner with other young misses, he hurriedly dismounted and ran over. "Sister."

Yang Xi Xue saw him coming over, and moved to welcome him as it was not appropriate for her older brother to stay with young girls. "Big Brother, how did you come over?"

"Are you all right?" Yang Wen Ji examined her, and then looked at Gu Ru Jiu and Zhang Yu Qin. Seeing the three still with spirit, even though their expressions were not well, he was reassured and said, "The Sima and Li family elders are coming over. People from the Court of Judicial Review and the Ministry of Justice are also arriving." The underlying meaning was that they could not leave soon.

Those present were all spoiled young masters and misses. They were already extremely anxious after seeing someone of their age die in a fall. Now that the Court of Judicial Review and the Ministry of Justice were not letting them leave, while they did not show anything in their expressions, they were slightly displeased.

The Sima Family had arranged this place, and brought their own horses. Sima Ling had been the one to suggest racing horses. Now that there had been a fatal accident, the Sima Family did not suspect their own miss, and had the Court of Judicial Review and the Ministry of Justice keep them here?

Was they under suspicion?

So what if the Sima and Li families were top-tier aristocratic families? There were so many of them here they might outweigh the two families.

The officials of the Court of Judicial Review and the Ministry of Justice were at pains. They had inspected the crime scene, and there had been nothing suspicious. When they inspected the spot where the two horses had fallen and broken their legs, they had not found any man-made marks. In the face of the Sima and Li family's pressuring attitudes, they could only muddle through as they tried to comfort the young masters and misses of other aristocratic families. What was this?

Sima Ling, as the person under most attention in this matter, appeared blank and bewildered. She looked at her sobbing second aunt and her second uncle who had an expression of sorrow. She opened her mouth but didn't know what to say.

Second Female Cousin had a competitive personality. Usually, at home, if it was not anything important, she was willing to let the other win. She knew that Second Cousin wanted to compete for first against the miss from the Li family. But who knew that an accident like this would happen?

Three misses from the Sima Family had come to the gathering today. But Second Cousin did not like being together with Third Cousin Sima Xiang. She had been worried that Little Xiang would be ill at ease since she only came to Jing half a year ago and deliberately rode together with her. Who knew that in this span of time...

When Li Wu shi came in a carriage, she heard the sobs of the second madam of the Sima Family. She looked hatefully at the Li family with red-rimmed eyes and walked towards her pale-faced son.

"Huai Gu, your sister..." Li Wu shi could not continue. She took out her handkerchief to cover her face and sobbed. She appeared much sadder than the second lady of the Sima Family. Even the officials from the Ministry of Justice felt some sympathy for her.

By now, other than the Sima and Li families, the other aristocratic families also sent people to pick up their young masters and misses. The usually unpopulated racecourse was lively as though it was a market.

The one who came to pick up Gu Ru Jiu was her second brother Gu Cun Jing.

Gu Cun Jing had a position in the imperial guards' northern office. He was a close personal guard of the emperor. The common people usually called them the dragon imperial guards. This was a leisurely second class fifth rank position. So when he heard his colleagues say something had happened in the suburb racecourse, and the misses from two families had fallen off their horses and died, he excused himself with his superior and hurried to the suburbs.

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