Chapter 49

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Gu Ru Jiu heard Jin Yang's reasoning of "cannot casually move within a hundred days of the wedding" and was stunned. This didn't seem quite right.

The Purple Imperial Hall was the residence of the emperor. Just putting the wedding rooms in Purple Imperial Hall had been unprecedented in the Feng Dynasty. Now, she as the empress was going to live a hundred days in Purple Imperial Hall. Was this going to write a new page in the tolerance of the Feng Dynasty officials?

Temporarily abandoning the plan of a "leadership speech", Gu Ru Jiu brought Jin Yang into the room. "Your Majesty, I fear this is not quite appropriate."

"How so?" Jin Yang said seriously. "I am not concerned where the wives and daughters of my subjects live, so they should not get to make comments about where you live."

The words sounded reasonable, but in reality, Your Majesty, you are a headstrong youth.

While she regretted that she could not immediately have her personal space, Gu Ru Jiu still agreed to Jin Yang's wilful request in the end.

If she acted according to the traditional values of wifely virtue and character, she should be urging Jin Yang to follow the etiquette and not create conflict with the court officials for such a minor matter.

But... she had never planned to be a textbook virtuous empress.

Seeing His Majesty bring the empress back to Purple Imperial Hall, the servants of Purple Imperial Hall thought to themselves that His Majesty and the empress really had good feelings that he didn't bear to separate from the empress.

The palace maids who originally had some intentions rested their thoughts. They only hoped the empress was a mistress easy to serve, and didn't dare to think of anything else.

In reality, Gu Ru Jiu was a very good empress. She had a gentle personality and did not treat the servants harshly. Other than strolling through the palace every day and visiting the empress dowager, she appeared extremely friendly and considerate.

People's minds were sometimes strange things.

In the few days that Gu Ru Jiu lived in Purple Imperial Hall, she had not been angry with any palace maids, so some of the more daring people started to slack off.

The cause of the matter was very simple. When Gu Ru Jiu was resting in the room, a palace maid went in and out, thinking nothing of the empress' prestige.

"Qiu Luo, Bao Lu, go call in Bai Gonggong and He Gonggong," Gu Ru Jiu sat on the couch and lazily flipped a page in her book. "Say that this palace has something to discuss with the two of them."

Qiu Luo walked out and the other palace maids serving in the room inexplicably found their hearts tight as the empress rarely called herself "this palace."

Hearing the empress' summons, Bai Xian and He Ming didn't dare to slack off and hurried to Purple Imperial Hall. They were not like some of the unwise little palace maids and eunuchs who thought the empress was soft and could be bullied.

The empress did not treat the palace maids badly due to her status as the daughter of an aristocratic family, not because she really had a soft personality. If someone really offended her, then this person thought their life was too long.

When He Ming arrived, Bai Xian had also just arrived. The two smiled and bowed insincerely towards each other. He Ming said, "Bai Gonggong, do you know why the empress has summoned us?"

"If He Gonggong doesn't understand, this one is even more ignorant." Bai Xian returned the smile. "Also, it is not for this lowly one to guess the thoughts of the empress."

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