Chapter 1

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7th July 2016

"Oh, okay, a new intern... That's interesting... Well, Ms. White isn't here, so send her to me."I tell the guard through phone

A girl comes and knocks on my door.
"Come in,have a seat, please."

She is so tiny maybe about 5'2" and thin.Wearing oversized clothes to look more grown and trying to fit in a company.She looks more like a high-school student than a college one.It's probably because of her tiny figure and her little to no makeup

Her looks are nothing special except her eyes.She is a doe eyed.Round,dark and innocent...that's the most interesting thing in her face

"Hi,I'm here for the internship program from college."She says with a low voice...she looks a little nervous, but who can blame her that's natural

"Yeah, alright.And until when you are our guest?"I ask

"Oh,can I take a look? it's on my cellphone."She answers

"Yeah, sure."

"I'm here until the end of summer 22nd of September to be exact."

"Oh... OK,what made you choose finance?"I ask a typical question. I just don't really know what to say at this point, Ms. White usually handles these big speeches for the youth to make the young talent work for little money.I'm just the technical deputy.Second place in the branch of course but that means I don't have to give big speeches.Sometimes I even have to be rude to make these idiots understand what they are doing wrong

"I just liked the overall business field. I was very good at math in high school. I wanted to study pure mathematics, but that probably would have landed me no job, and to be honest , I don't see myself winning a Fields medal.So I think studying finance was a good compromise."She answers

Not probably the best answer if she wants to get hired in some place.Usually, you have to over exaggerate how much you love this field, but she answered honestly.

"And which college?"I ask.It should be good college to have landed her an internship here

"MIT,Sir."She answers

Oh, that's pretty nice. I expected good, but not this good. "OK,good,Ms. Johnson!"I yell out

Ms. Johnson comes. "Yes?You called me."

"This is the new intern. I would like to say she is your new co-worker.Teach her the ways and she will be a good help for you"

Ms. Johnson smiles at her. She smiles back

Before she leaves the room, I say to her, "There were many like you who had internships here and landed a job... Hopefully, it will happen for you too!"

She smiles at me.Her smile is beautiful, but it makes her doe eyes narrow a little bit.I can't decide if she is more pretty with or without a smile.I love those eyes...I...I wish there were mine...

"Hopefully."She says and leaves the room

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