Chapter 2

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April 3rd 2021

"Oh, Michael, new neighbors are coming today.Look they are moving in!I think they are a young couple!"Elaine yells out to me

"Oh yeah, that's great, honey!"I yell out.Hopefully, this new neighbor distracts Elaine a little. I really don't want to go out today; I just want to sit,relax, and enjoy my Sunday.

She doesn't work 5 days a week, so she always wants to go out and have fun!God

"You should go and ask if they need any help!"Elaine orders

"And why would I do that?"I chuckle

"Because we are trying to be nice neighbors!"She says

" you are trying to be a good neighbor and I just don't care so, and let me make myself clear; this is you who wants to be a great neighbor so this is you that should go help out not me"I answer trying to speak logic to my wife

She just gets on the nerve What can you expect...At least she is loyal and a good cook and not a pain in the ass sexualy,what more can I want in a marriage?

"OK then,let's go to some place!"Elaine says

"Daddy, can we go to the amusement park?"My son,Elijah,asks

"But Elijah,we were at the amusement park last week!Honey you are spoiling this kid.When I was a kid, we would go maybe, and I emphasize maybe,once a year on my birthday if I were pushy enough or if my parents remembered it!"

"Don't blame my son for your poor family and bad childhood!"Elaine says

"I didn't have a bad childhood just because I was poor growing up and didn't go to amusement park every week!"I say,that's one of the things I don't like about Elaine.She has grown up upper middle class so she just doesn't get it.She never had to work a day on her because either daddy or I provided her entire life

"OK,then. Either you will help out the neighbors or we will go to the amusement park!"Elaine says to me

"Fine, ...neighbors it is,"I say and get out of the apartment

Only two units in this apartment, theirs and us... I hope these ones aren't as annoying as the previous young couple.They fought all the time and were probably swingers also the police came once because the wife hit the husband....I just don't want  these non conventional people around my son.I just want normal neighbors.

I see a petite woman picking something from a distance...remindes me of her. Sophia,my love that  got away.Everytime I see her attributes in other people, I'm reminded of her.But nothing has close to being as beautiful those doe eyes that looked at me with nervousness but curiosity when I was working

I haven't forgotten about her in 5 years. I wanted to, but I couldn't.Many times I thought what if I had an affair with her when she was an intern but, I was too scared to loose my job and to be honest she didn't seem to be the type to have sex with married men.Maybe if I did sleep with her  my attraction would go out and I would forget about her but,well...not now and probably not ever

I just go straight to her husband, "Hi, I'm Allen... Michael Allen.We live downstairs. I just wanted to ask if you need any help."

"Oh well, thank you, Mr. Allen for your kindne..."

"Oh my God!Mr.Allen!"The wife turns around and says to me... it's her!It's Sophia!My precious Sophia

She looks different and the same but definitely better.Her make-up and hair are done a lot nicer...and those eyes...they are looking at me again

"Do you remember me?"She asks

"Um...yes Ms. Carter... You were an intern. "I say, trying to stay formal

I want to pull her into a hug and drown her in kisses.Say how much I love and miss her

"It's Mrs. Jones now."Her husband says

"My husband, William"Sophia introduces me to him... To this short, little man... Well, 5'8" ish. OK he is still a lot taller than little Sophia

"Oh yes,congratulations!May you live a happy life together."

"Thank you."They both say

Why Sophia...why after 5 years that I've found you you showed up with your husband...why did I have to be so much older?Why aren't you in my arms right now?

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