Chapter 3

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13th July 2016

She is organizing the files and putting them in the leger binder.Why is that so amusing to watch?Why am I so distracted?

She is just a college girl with large eyes, and that's it.She is so tiny and I'm so tall and big and have stupid  sussage fingers.look at her wrists.I can easily break them I would crush her if we have...

No, no...I should not even think about it.I'm what, like 15 years older than her,and her boss,and I'm married...I can make a long list of the reasons why we shouldn't be together

Maybe that's why I want her.Because it is forbidden.She is a forbidden fruit that I want to touch.

Everything can be explained with logic.There is no such thing as love in the first sight.It is just hormones.Just a desire to fuck younger females to get them pregnant.It is a mammal thing.

My wife Elaine,that's whom I love.

I get up and close the door.Sorry, Ms. Carter, I can't let you distract me.


April 3rd 2020

It's night I want to go to bed.Not that tired from helping out since they wouldn't let me.Her husband seems like a good guy and not very talkative.He is a shy and quiet person kinda like Sophia.The opposites attract saying does not imply here.

I honestly can see why they are a couple, and that bothers me a lot.They seem perfect for each other, and I have no place in her life, even though she was a turning point in mine.Before her I thought love doesn't exist.I thought that people just get used to each other and learn to care for one another.I didn't love Elaine.I just liked her and we had things in common enough to get married.Overtime I learned to care for her.We had a child and our connection got deeper.

After I saw Sophia, I learned to love someone just for the sake of it.I didn't want anything in return.I just appreciated her just for being there.I just wanted to see her every day in work and that was enough for me.When she left I was wreck and now that she is back and I just want more and I know very well that I can't have.

I come to our room.My wife is wearing her night I gown

I go to her and pull her for a passionate kiss.She likes it when I cut her off guard

"Is Elijah sleeping?"I ask

"Yes."She says and grins at me

I start rubbing her a bit and make out.She likes a little tease before we get really into it.

Familiarity is good.Rutines are great.I know my wife's body and she knowsz me.I have no issue with doing the same boring sex as long as both me and my wife both enjoy our time.Everything in my life was a perfect rotine until she came on into it.But there us no need to worry.If I don't try to touch the forbidden fruit I will be safe

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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