Chapter Six

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A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Six. Picture of Beth ^^^^^

--- Hannah's P.O.V ---

I'm woken up by my phone ringing, I groan and grab the phone. It's an unknown number but I guess I should answer it if they're ringing this early - actually, it's not early, it's only 11am.

(H - Hannah~L - Lawyer)

H - Hello?

L - Good morning. Is Miss Hannah Campbell there?

H - Speaking.

L - Oh good. Well I am calling because of your father, Mr Robert Campbell.

H - What of him?

L - I regret to inform you that your father has passed away.

I gasp and bring my hand up to my mouth in shock. I feel Oli sit up next to me but he doesn't say anything.

H - May I ask how?

L - It was a car accident, he was killed on impact.

H - Is that your only reason for calling?

L - No. As you have no siblings everything that your father ever owned has been left to you. This includes Campbell Publishings.

H - So you are telling me that my father's fortune, his empire, his land has been left to me?

L - Exactly Miss Campbell. I will call you at a later date to discuss the transfer of accounts and papers.

H - Thank you.

L - You are welcome. I am sorry for your loss.

He hangs the phone up and I turn to Oli "Can you explain that? Why was he calling you?" he asks and I sigh "It was a lawyer" I say and he shrugs "So?" he asks and I sigh again "He was telling me about my father. He has passed away" I say and Oli's face drops "I'm so sorry gorgeous" he says but I shake my head "I'm not that bothered. He was never much of a father to me" I say and he nods "I guess I need to explain about my family now" I say and he nods again "Well can we go into the living room. Your parents are at work" I say and we both walk downstairs.

Oli and I sit down on the couch and I turn to face him "Have you ever heard of Campbell Publishings?" I ask and he nods "Of course. It's the most famous publishing company in the United Kingdom" he says and I get even more nervous "That's my family company" I say waiting for Oli's reply "You need to explain more than that" he says and I nod "Remember how I said pretty much everyone knew my family in my hometown? Everything I ever wanted was given to me?" I ask and he nods this time "It was because of my father's company" I say and Oli shakes his head "But your last name is Dyer" he says and I sigh "I changed my name when I turned 16. I didn't want anyone to know who my father was. Who I am" I say playing with my hands "Why did you move then? Your life seemed perfect" he says and I scoff.

"My life was far from perfect Oli" I say and he chuckles "I highly doubt that. You got everything you wanted" he says and I shake my head before taking a deep breath "When I was 14 my mum passed away. She killed herself" I say and Oli sucks in a breath "Do you mind if I ask how?" he asks hesitantly "We lived in the highlands, Reay was the closet possible town to us" I say and Oli nods, motioning for me to continue "We lived in a mansion. There's no denying it, our house was massive. My mum was the only one that was allowed to go up to the attic" I say playing with my hands "She found out that my father was cheating on her. He had been for the past couple of years. She loved my father with every fibre of her being and when she found out it broke her" I say my voice cracking slightly, I hate thinking about it "One day she reached her limit. She slit her wrists and threw herself out of the window in the attic. She knew she wouldn't survive" I say letting the tears fall "My father didn't even seem bothered. I cried for days. The only people that comforted me were my boyfriend Kayne and our family butler Anthony" I say wiping the tears away "After she died my father would have a different girl in his bedroom every night. In order for me to block out the moans and the bangs I would blast my music" I say.

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