Chapter Twenty-Six

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A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Twenty-Six. Gif of Oli and Jc ^^^^^ The actual prank video ^^^^^

----- Joe's P.O.V -----

I heard that Hannah and Oli were down here a couple of weeks ago, I know they were looking after James which I thought was pretty cool. Hannah did actually call to let us know that they were coming down but they weren't going to visit us as they wanted to see some of their other friends that lived in London which was perfectly fine. I think that it's hard for Oli and Hannah living so far away from everyone because both of them have always been so close with their friends and families and now they can't see them as much as they used to.

Yesterday Beth, Caspar, Belle and I went sightseeing around London. Even though we live here we haven't really gone around the sights, I went with Zoe and my parents when I was younger but going with my friends was a blast. We just had a laugh and Belle is such a sweet girl, she is perfect for Caspar. I can see why Hannah was such good friends with Belle; I swear she doesn't have a bad bone in her body. However Caspar and Belle haven't gone public yet because they haven't been dating for all that long and I think they're just enjoying actually being together for now which is really sweet.

Belle and Caspar are going out all day today because they decided to go out on a date. I think I am going to film a video as I need something different for 'Sugg Sunday'. I might get Beth to film with me; she will film with me, most of my viewers like it when we make videos together. I get up off the couch and walk downstairs to my room, where Beth is currently reading a book. She looks so cute in her glasses; then again she looks pretty cute all the time. What can I say? I love her and I am whipped so don't judge me.

I walk over to her and she puts her book down "What's up?" she asks as I pull her into my lap "Do you want to film a video with me?" I ask and she nods "Sure. What type?" she asks taking her glasses off "Keep those on" I say putting them back on and she giggles "Fine but what video?" she asks and I smirk "Prank calls" I say and she sighs "Okay. Let's go then" she says getting up off my lap and walking upstairs.  I roll my eyes before grabbing my equipment and following her. She decides to sit on the sofa, looks like this is where we're filming.

I set everything up and join Beth on the couch. We both grab our phones and she looks to me "Who should we call?" she asks and I smirk "Ghostbusters" I say and she bursts out laughing "You know I didn't mean that" she says and I shrug "Oh well. The joke was there for a reason" I say and she nudges my side "You annoy me sometimes" she says and I mock gasp, holding my hand over my heart "That hurts Baby" I say pouting and she giggles "I never said I didn't love you though" she says and I nod "You didn't but you said I am annoying" I say and she rolls her eyes "Can you blame me?" she asks jokingly "No" I say and she laughs again.

(Joe - Bold~Beth - Italics~Phone Calls - Normal)

I put my arm around Beth's shoulder "Welcome to another Sugg Sunday Special" I say to the camera "Today this is the video in which we prank call some of our friends" I say and Beth nods in agreement.

"Yep. Joe isn't the only prankster in this relationship" she says pointing at me "I have been known to prank some people before" she says smirking "When I would visit Hannah back in Scotland she would be so worried about me pranking her she would make Anthony go into her room to make sure that I hadn't done anything" she says laughing slightly.

"On that note" I say looking to Beth "I think you should call Hannah" I say and Beth nods.

She gets out her phone and finds Hannah's contact. She looks to me and smirks before actually calling Hannah.

H - Hello?

B - Heya.

H - Hey Cuz. How's everything?

B - Pretty good. I just have something to tell you.

I look to Beth with my head tilted in confusion, I have no idea where she is going with this but it should be funny.

H - And what is that?

B - Are you with Oli at the moment?

H - No. He's taken Lockie out for a walk.

B - Okay, what about Anthony?

H - He is out doing the shopping. What's wrong Beth? You're making me nervous.

B - Well. I'm pregnant.

My mouth drops as I hear Beth say that. I wish she was saying that for real though, that would be pretty amazing.

H - What? That's amazing.

I motion for Beth to sound like she's crying and she nods.

B - No it isn't.

H - Of course it is Beth. You're going to be a mum.

B - But it isn't Joe's Hannah.

Beth winks at me making me want to laugh. I know she would never cheat on me.

H - You cheated on Joe. You got pregnant with another guy's child.

B - Yeah. I don't know why I did it Hannah. I don't know what came over me. It was just; Joe was out a couple of nights ago. Belle and Caspar were out too. Do you remember Jacob?

Hannah sighs on the other end of the phone.

H - Yes I do. He was a complete dickhead and I swear to god if it is his child then I will never speak to you again.

B - It's his Hannah. I don't know what to do. I am so scared to tell Joe because I don't want him to leave me along with this baby and you know I don't believe in abortion or adoption.

H - Beth, you need to tell Joe. But if he does freak out then you can come and live with me and Oli. I know we live far away but we can support you and at least you will have a roof over your head.

B - I couldn't do that Hannah. I know I need to tell Joe but I love him so much.

H - You will also love this baby.

I nudge Beth telling her to wrap it up because if this goes any further then Hannah will freak out.

B -  I am not having a baby.

H - But, you just sai - I SWEAR TO GOD BETHANY

As Hannah realises that it was a prank call we both burst out laughing.

J - Hi Hanni.

H - I hate you both so much right now.

B - Were you freaking out?

H - Of course I was. I thought you were pregnant and that you had cheated on Joe. Jesus Christ Beth.

J - Hannah you are the sweetest person ever.

H - I can't even handle this right now.

Beth hangs up the phone and looks back to me smirking.

"Just to clear something up" Beth says to the camera "I am not pregnant and I have not cheated on Joe" she says and I nod.

I don't really know what I would do if Beth cheated on me in all honesty. I would probably have to hear her out and decide whether or not I should leave her.


That was Chapter Twenty-Six, hope you liked it. I am so sorry for taking like ages to update guys; I end up having block half the time and I write other books.

I also want to thank you guys. The support you have given me on this book is immense; I seriously cannot believe that we have almost 10,000 reads. That is pretty crazy.

Any opinions you guys have please tell me in the comments.

Thanks for reading.

Till the next chapter.........

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