2. The Club

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Jimin's POV:
I miss Malayiah I said with a sad face. " baby it has not even been a whole week yet and you miss her" Rm said giving him a kiss on the lips. "But it has been 5 days and we have not texted her or called her" v said to rm. us maknaes have been complaining how we have not been able to see Malayiah at least that is what hyungs are saying. We have a deal we have to do to night so we won't be able to see her today either.

We made a plan cause we know he was not coming for a deal. He has been telling other mafias that he wants to take our title as mafia king. So we are planning to kill him. Namjoon I'm horny I said to him. He looked at me and smirked the others did to." well how about I eat you out tell you cum" he said while grabbing my neck. I reached over his lap and gave him a long kiss while Jungkook was grabbed my ass. It looked like the others were enjoying it then we all had fucked on the bed. We got in the shower all together then got ready to go.

Malayiah's POV:
I was getting me and Alyea ready for bed until I got a phone call from my best friend. I answered it " girl let's go to the club" she said. No I got work in the morning and Alyea is sleeping. " come on Malayiah plus you said that yo mama was sleeping over your house to night" she said. Ok I'm go come but be ready when I come and get you with yo lazy ass. We both started laughing and hung up so we can get ready.

Malayiah s best friend: Tiana

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Malayiah s best friend: Tiana

What Malayiah wore to the club

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What Malayiah wore to the club

Girl if you don't hurry up and get yo ass out that car damn bitch I said to my Taina. "Ok bitch I'm putting my hills on damn" she said back. I rolled my eyes when we got in the club I heard W.A.P my song. I looked at Taina she looked at me and we was thinking the same thing. We ran to the dance floor and started twerking on each other. I felt people starring at us but we keep on twerking. Until I felt somebody grab my waist and bend me over.

Bts POV:
We where on our way to the club for the meeting with jungwoo. Baby I really do miss Malayiah jungkook said to suga. We can see her this weekend we don't have any missions to do. The maknae line smiled and got happy. Once we reached the club we got scared looks and lustful looks. We went straight the the V.I.P room to start the "meeting." Hello mr.Kim nice to see you Jungwoo said to Rm. What is the deal you wanted to settle with us jungwoo V asked. "Oh nothing I just lower you in so I could kill you and be the mafia king" he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2023 ⏰

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