Chapter 7: First Encounter

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"So, you let Nadwe punch a window?"
Joocie asked skeptically as he plucked out the small bits of glass with the tweezers stuck in Nadwe's palm. Nadwe flinched and closed his eyes as he felt each pull.

I tried to sound as casual and normal as possible to let him believe in the lie.
He can't know that we both invaded Laff's house.
Joocie shook his head as he placed another few small shards onto the cloth.
"I can tell that you're not exactly telling the truth,"
He grabbed some bandages from the cabinets and started wrapping it on Nadwe's hand.

"Why would anyone punch a window? And how would any of you reach Laff's base in time?"
I paused and felt my head chill. The lie was that Nadwe and I were trying to get help from Laff after Nadwe 'punched' a window out of frustration.

And Joocie was right, the place where Nadwe and I had our base was way too far apart from Laff's. And it was so stupid that I told Joocie that Nadwe punched a window- now I get why it's so hard to lie. You have to make a believable story in less than a minute.

I messed it up again, great, just great.

"If you want to fool me, you'll have to come up with a better story than that."
Joocie didn't look up from his work as he continued wrapping the bandages on Nadwe's other hand.

"Uh well..."
I trailed off. It was harder to come up with another lie if the previous one was too obvious.

"It's alright Muffin, you're not in big trouble or anything but,"
Joocie wrapped the last bit of bandage before turning towards me.

"I want you to tell me about what actually happened."
Nadwe looked between Joocie and I as he tried to move his bandaged hands. I turned to Nadwe and mouthed out: What should I do?
Nadwe responded with a shrug to show that he wasn't sure either.
Guess it's up for me to decide then.

"Okay, okay, what really happened was..."
I inhaled and exhaled a breath.

"Nadwe and I have been needing to find Laff to help us with..."
Oh this is going to sound really dumb-

"Help us with his experience and knowledge in the SMP."
My tone sounded automatic, reading out loud from a written script. Joocie looked at me and paused for a moment then nodded.

"Okay, what happened when you arrived at his base?"
He asked calmly.

He wasn't even questioning what I said!
Maybe this won't go as bad as I thought.

So I continued to tell him everything that happened (Except for the real reason why Nadwe and I were in Laff's base):
The small bottles that shattered in Nadwe's hand and of course, Ink. Who was now sleeping in the birdcage sitting on the floor. The story was actually short, but it surprisingly left Joocie thinking. He was rubbing his glass cup forehead when I finished explaining.

"Glasses exploding? And Nadwe getting hurt?!"
Joocie suddenly stood up.

"I need to talk to Meme immediately, why did I think that Meme could keep this under control? Promising that we won't feel any pain in the SMP."
He quietly scoffed and headed towards the Medbay exit.

"Wait, where are you going?"
I asked him, though I already knew where he would be going.

"To Meme, and make him explain about what just happened. I should've known what he makes is dangerous. I'm not sure why I even let both of you go out alone in this place!"
Joocie's voice was filled with concern and worry, but also a hint of anger.

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