No clouds tonight

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Tomorrow I start my first day at UA in class 1a and I'm super excited. I also heard there are SUPER cute guys in my class! It's 10:00 now if I want to get good sleep for my first day tomorrow I should probably go to bed now.
5 hours later
It now 3:00 and I'm way to excited to go to sleep! maybe I'll just go grab a snack in the kitchen. As I start walking through the hallway it hear really loud noises coming from downstairs. I live in and apartment building and it so annoying since I live on the 32 floor it takes like 20 minutes to get downstairs if the elevator is not working, which it usually never is. I grab the carton of ice cream from the kitchen and go to sit out on my balcony. The sky at night looks pretty when there no clouds out and just the moon and stars. I hear the loud noises coming from downstairs again and I still have no idea what it is? I continue to hear the loud booms and bangs downstairs and some pretty loud shouting. As I say sitting on my chair on the balcony it starts to feels like the apartment building is shaking. All the a sudden there a very loud ear piercing scream coming from downstairs. Then I turn around to see a man behind my back dressed from head to toe in black clothing who then grabs my arm. As I try to fight back from his grip I realize he has another woman tie up in his other hand and she trying to scream for help. I try pulling the other girl out of his hand but I can't since he has a quirk that allowing him to be able to stretch and bend his skin from what it looks like. I tried to use my quirk to help the situation but when I turned around to see the sky there was no clouds to be seen. I continue to try to pull the the woman and my arm loose from the criminal with no luck when I feel a tickle down my leg. I turn my head to see another arm stretched and tie around my leg. I continue to try and pull off of him and with ever step we all pull closer and closer to the edge of the balcony. I Start hearing sirens blaring down the street and in a few minute I hear people running up the stairs closer to my apartment. I hear the cops try to twist the lock on my door open and with no use so they just break the door down instead. The criminal has a tight grip on my arm and after I step back a few more times I trip over the balcony. We all start falling now the building with the woman and I still tied to the man's arms. Well the criminal is in a panic the skin gets loose from my arm and I'm set free. There still one more problem though, we are falling from a 35 story building and we just fell from the 32 floor. The woman is still tie to the criminal other arm and he still has ahold of my leg. I look down at what May be my death and see at least 3 cops cars waiting at the bottom of us. The woman and the criminal continue to scream in terror as we fall from the apartment and I've just given up that I'm probably going to die here. I'm never going to go to UA and I'm probably never going to become a hero because I'm probably going to spend my last day on earth falling from my apartment building's balcony and no one is going to save me. As I start to close my eyes and hopefully have a fast death I hear the tied up lady scream in joy "ALL MIGHT"!! "HE HEAR TO SAVE US". Then to my surprise I look down to see all might coming to are rescue. He shots into the air and grabs us from falling .
As we come down to earth I see the rest of the cops come out from the building and the criminal let go of me and the woman. He then just let the cops lock him up and put him in the car. The woman runs over to all might and gives him the biggest hug I think I've ever seen. "OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH ALL MIGHT FROM SAVING US, I TOTALLY THOUGHT WE WERE GOING TO DIE UP THERE". He looked at her with his iconic smile and said "Never fear because I AM HERE TO ALWAYS SAVE THE DAY". the woman turn around to see me and gives me the huge hugs. She looked like she was about to start crying and she said "Thank you so much without you I don't think I would have escaped that one". Then she pulled her wallet about of her bag and handed me 200 dollars. I said to her "Ma'am I don't think I can except,this you should keep it". "I really didn't help much and I kind of made the situation worse". She looked at he with teary eyed smile and said " No you deserve this" he handed me the money and said " please I insist".  I took the money from her hand and said thank you. To be honest I didn't think I would live through that and I'm still in shock I'm even still here. The cops pulled me and the woman aside and ask if we can come back to the station to tell the cops what happened. We both said yes and as we went in the cars to go to the police station.
On the drive there I wondered why the man tried to kidnapped us, And how did you even got into my apartment when the door was locked. A opened window maybe ? I don't know. When we got to the station we both told the cops everything that happened and when the women was telling her story I looked down at my arm which had a ton of cuts and was bleeding pretty badly. I guess the grip he had in my arm was really tight. I couldn't even do anything to stop him cause it couldn't even use my quirk. See the problem is quirk isn't the most useful during the night and when there isn't any clouds out. What if one day the weakness of my quirk causes and innocent person to lose there life, because of me...

After the cops drove us both home I couldn't sleep after what happened that night. at the station they rapped bandages around my arm to stop the bleeding and they said I should leave the bandages on for about a little more than a week. There were a few cuts on my legs but nothing a few Band-as couldn't stop. I went to go sit on the couch and I grabbed the remote to turn on the tv. The first thing that turns on is ME?? ON THE NEWS?? they had live recording of me trying to get out of the grip of the criminal and help the other woman. They had another video of us falling from the balcony and All Might saving the day. Oh my gosh what a night, and I start my first day at UA tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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