You Matter (Slam Poem)

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A/N: Hey everyone! So I am trying something new called slam poetry. This is my first try and I liked the feedback I am getting so here it is! Any constructive criticism is awesome :) Oh and make sure to check out the video that has my audio! This is dedicated to @Waifu-P for editing out my audio and making a quick video of this :)

Sometimes Life is cruel. You get put into the worst situations and bam, you are all alone. And you stand there in the cold dark storm, shivering. It gets hard to rbeathe. You can't eat, you get swallowed into this dark blob of nothingness. Only, it isn't "nothing" It's sharp needles that pierce your skin. It's that electricity filling your veins. And then they scream or whisper, if you'd like. Whatever's comfortable. They remind you of all the things you should've done, could've done, would've done. You should've apologized. You could've said said the truth. You would've stopped time. Could've shouldive would've. Could've should've would've. Could've should've would've. COULD'VE SHOULD'VE WOULD'VE. Those three words swirl in your mind like a category 5 tornado. And then it stops. You are back from a journey unlike the wizard of oz. Unlike the wizard of oz because in the wizard of oz she has friends. But you darling are all alone with people who record your life and remind you of what every living hell you have gone through about the fucking things you did in the past. And you know what? Fuck them. You sat in your chamber inside the dark cold windowless rooms trying to escape, but you couldn't. You sat their and waited. Not because you had to, but because you cared. You cared enough to see the light. While you saw others pulling the trigger, you demolished the gun. YOU are the reason that YOU are alive and be hella proud of it. YOU are the reason why YOU fougt through the cold dark windowless room. YOU were the one that DREW the window in the windowless room. YOU were the one that opened the light and created hope. If you aren't proud of telling life to go fuck itself, I don't know who would be. YOU ARE THE SUPERHEO IN YOUR OWN DYSTOPIA OF LIFE. Your mind and body needs you. YOU ARE BADASS. And most of all YOU MATTER.

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