Chapter three

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Tw: panic attack, anxiety

3:00 AM
Cates POV
I've been asleep for a while but then I woke up in the middle of the night because I heard y/n crying and screaming. I didn't hesitate and ran to her room.
I swung the door open and saw her laying in her bed with her knees pressed against her chest and she was breathing heavy.
,,hey hey y/n what's going on" I said while stepping forwards. Then it hit me. She kept staring out the window. There was this shadow of a person. Well it seemed like it. I jumped a little bit. Then I walked slowly toward the window with a little bat in my hand that I luckily have in the room. To my relive it was just a shadow from our tree that looked a lot like a person. Very creep.

,,it's okay sweetheart it's just a shadow." I said
Y/n still didn't breathe alright. I decided to lay down next to her and just take her in my arms.
,,it's fine honey. You're save. Follow my lead.. breath in.... And out.." I did that for a while and it worked.
Y/n snuggled herself real close to me. It was actually fine. It felt
After about 5 minutes of a comfortable silent y/n spoke up.
,,I'm sorry.. I overreacted because when I was 13 there was a break in, in our house and it was well as you can tell pretty traumatising" she said sarcastically.
She handles trauma with humour. Well I do that too so I can understand that very well.
,,please don't apologise. It's fine." I told her and smiled at her.
,,it's very late let's sleep." I said while giving y/n a kiss on her head I stood up and went to my own room.
,, goodnight sweetheart" I said
,,goodnight cate" she said.

I could've stayed with her of course but I don't want her to feel uncomfortable in any way at all.

I woke up with the memory of last night. I kinda feel embarrassed because of my little anxiety attack but I also feel comfortable because cate made me feel loved.
*knock at the door*
,,come in" I said while getting out of bed.
,,hey" cate said sweetly opening the door.
,,hey" I said and smiled.
,,how did you sleep ?" Cate asked me.
,,well after the little embarrassing moment actually pretty good thank you" I said while looking down smiling.
,, it wasn't embarrassing y/n. Don't feel embarrassed about it please. It's normal that some people experience anxiety. Don't think I'm judging you for it or anything cause I'm not honey" she said gently.
Those words were actually so cute I wanted to cry but I didn't cause that would be more than awkward.
,,thank you cate. That really is so kind of you to say" I answered.
,, well I'll get ready and I'll be out of your hair as soon as I can" I said.
,,oh please. Take your time." She said.
,,I'll go downstairs and make us some breakfast" she said while leaving.
In went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. Then I put on some clothes and went downstairs.
I saw that the table was filled with all kind of breakfast stuff.
,,are 10 more people joining us or ?" I said laughing
,,I didn't know what you like so I just made a little bit of everything" she said.
I just smiled and sat down at the table with her.

,,Breakfast was incredibly nice cate thank you. And also thank you for the beautiful day yesterday.
I'll better be going" I said while going to the door.
Cate followed me to the door and opened it for me
,,I'll be in touch with you. I hope that we will see each other soon ! " she said and hugged me and gave me a kiss in my cheek.
,,i can't wait" I said and winked.
I don't know why but I tend to just wink at literally everyone.

Then I drove home and listened to some music on my way.

I just got home and my phone already buzzed.

Cate : did you get home alright?

Y/n:  I did :)  x

Cate: that's good. What are your plans for tomorrow evening?

Y/n: we'll I'm planing on sitting on my couch and drinking wine. Why do you ask ;)

Cate: sounds so great. Maybe your interested in postponing this amazing plan and instead go to dinner with me?

Y/n: hmmm... let me think about that. It's a tough decision..🤔

Cate: rude.

Y/n: just kidding. I'd love that. Tell me when and where.

Cate: I'll pick you up at 8 PM tomorrow. I thought about this nice Italian restaurant at the silent part of the city. You'll love it.

Y/n: sounds amazing.

Cate: great. See you tomorrow sweetheart

Y/n: see you tomorrow 💞

I put down my phone with the biggest smile on my face.

8 PM
I was getting ready for bed because I was pretty tired.
I changed into my pyjamas and opened my phone to check my insta.
When I was scrolling I got a message from cate.

Cate: are you asleep?

Y/n: no I'm not. Why? Is everything alright?

Cate: sweet of you to immediately worry honey but I just checked in to tell you to sleep cause it's important to make up for the deserved rest you didn't get at mine.

Y/n: that's very thoughtful. Well miss blanchett I'll be asleep in less than 5 minutes.

Cate: very good. I'll talk to you tomorrow. And if there's anything at all, just call me :)

Y/n: thank you cate :) I will

And with that I put my phone down and went to sleep with a smile on my face.

How a coincidence can change a life (Cate blanchett x reader ) Where stories live. Discover now