Chapter five

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6:00 AM
I didn't wake up because of any alarm I just felt someone gently stroking my face and calling my name.
,,sweetheart you gotta get up. We have to go in one hour" Cate said.
I just wasn't even awake at this point.
,,mhmm yeah" I said while slowly opening my eyes.
Cate laughed and took my blanket away.
,,just to make sure" she said with a wink.
,,rude" I yelled after she went out of the room.

I got up and took a quick shower. I was very very nervous because this is very big. This movie role could actually be my big break if I really get this part.

After I finished getting ready I got downstairs.
Cate came towards me with a glass in her hand.
,,drink this. This is my green smoothie I drink it when I have an audition. So this is good luck" cate said.
,,that's so sweet. Thank you Cate." I said.
The smoothie wasn't even bad. It was actually quite good.

Then we went to her car. My leg was bouncing up and down. Then cate put her hand on my leg because she noticed it.
,,honey it's okay. Don't be nervous" she said reassuring.
I was now probably red as a tomato because her hand was on my leg. Which was very hard for me because.. I mean you can imagine why.
I just smiled at her and nodded.

The rest of the drive as great. Cate left her hand in my leg the whole drive which made me feel super safe and happy.

We arrived at the location. Cate got out of the car and so did I.
We waked into this huge building.
The audition was on floor 7 of this building so we took the elevator.
Once we got there and stood right in front of the door I got nervous as fuck.
What if I screw this up? What if I'm not good enough for this movie?

Before I could start overthinking my whole life the door opened and there was Gary. Gary Ross.
I shook his hand.
,,you must be y/n y/l/n. Cate told me about you" he said nicely.
,,only good I hope" I said trying to seem calm.
,,of course" he said laughing.

During the audition he asked me to act out some scenes which I did.
I felt surprisingly good because I think it went good.
,,that was great." Gary said. He wrote down some things on this notebook.
,,if you'd get the part would you be okay when your character will act out some love scenes with another woman?" Gary asked me.
,,yes of course. I'm open to anything" I answered.
,,well if that's so. Then it's all I needed to hear." He said.
,,wait so does this mean I got the part?" I asked shocked.
,,yes. I am very impressed with your acting and your personality. I think you will be a great new part of this oceans family." He said.
,,oh my god thank you so much! This means everything to me" I said and came forward to hug Gary. He hugged me back.
,,and me? I don't get a hug?" Cate asked.
With no hesitation I went over to her and hugged her very tightly.
,,thank you" I whispered in her ear.
,,I knew you were the right one of the part" she whispered back.

I had to sign some papers and Gary handed us the scrips. Cate and I agreed to open it together at home.

We both said goodbye and I thanked him again.

We went back into the car. While driving cate said something.
,, we will be having dinner tonight by the way" she said.
,,oh great. Where ?" I asked.
,, at Sarah Paulsons house" she said with a smile.
,,what?!?" I asked.
,,well I want you to get to know the whole troop so we thought it would be the best idea to have dinner together so everybody's coming.
Sarah, Sandra, Rhianna,Mindy, Anne, awkafina and Helena" she said. With this smirk. She knew that I'd be very happy but also nervous.
,,this is like a dream. I swear to god this is unreal." I said.
Cate just laughed.
,,yeah so I'm very nervous. Just lay your hand on my leg. I'll be shaking" I said.
With no doubt she did what I asked.
,,my pleasure" she said and winked at me.
I just rolled my eyes and smiled.

I kinda like the way we sometimes flirt but also not because I actually think that it means something but it doesn't. She's cate Blanchett and I am well, me.

After about 10 minutes we arrived at my house. We both went insides and went on the couch and opened our scripts.
After reading this I was happy. Very happy. But also very mortified.
I already knew what was going to be the plot. But then I read that Lou aka. Cate will be my former lover ? Basically we have to do a sex scene as a flashback.
,,so let's just say this. Im a great kisser" Cate said.
My eyes went up and looked at her.
,,that's good. Don't worry I didn't think otherwise" I said smirking.
,,good" she said.
,,you will have to guide me through it though. I never had a to act out a sex scene. So you will have to-"
,,I would love to show you how it's done. So don't worry I'll take the lead" Cate said with a sexy but also reassuring smile.
,,so nice of you" I said sarcastically.
,,by the way. We will be leaving at 7:45 Pm so get your pretty butt upstairs and get ready"
I hit her arm and did as she said. While going up the stairs I yelled.
,,you have a nice ass too" I said.

7:45 PM
After about two hours not knowing what to wear I actually was finished dressing up and putting on my make up.

7:45 PMAfter about two hours not knowing what to wear I actually was finished dressing up and putting on my make up

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I actually liked that outfit a lot.
I went downstairs and saw cate waiting at the door.
Then I saw her. I was mesmerised

,,starring is rude sweetheart" she said

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,,starring is rude sweetheart" she said.
,,cate how the fuck do you look so stunning and hot" I simply said.
,,please. Have you looked at you? You look absolutely extraordinary" she said looking me up and down.
,, has anybody ever told you that when you say the word extraordinary it's unbelievably hot?" I asked her with a serious tone
,, oh is that so?" She asked me raising an eyebrow.
,,well as a huge admirer of you I can tell you I'm not the only one. All of your fans love it" I said.
,,all three of them?!" She asked sarcastic.
,,something like that" I said and smiled.
Cate opened the door and we got into the car.

,,are you ready?" She asked me.
,,if you don't leave my side at the dinner so I don't look like a fool then yes. I'm ready." I said.
She laid her hand on my leg and looked at me.
,,I'll be at your side the whole time. Don't worry"

And with that she started the car..

How a coincidence can change a life (Cate blanchett x reader ) Where stories live. Discover now