Part 2 Chapter 3 Something I've Been Wanting to Tell You

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Well this one is a bit long, hope you like it :)


*4 Hours Later/Your POV* You sigh and flick through the channels of the TV for the twenty-seventh time before you hear a knock on your door. You go over and open it to…Zayn. “Oh uh…” he pushes past you and into the room. “Who the hell are you,” he asks quickly. “Zayn what are you talking about, it’s me __” he holds his hand up and stops you before you can finish your name. Don’t you dare say you’re _____, because you’re not! This isn’t you. If this is Elena, then I don’t want her as my girlfriend. What happened to you? You’re so different. And who is that,” he asks motioning to a truck that’s pulling up. Thank God for Jeremy. “Sorry, can’t talk, I’m going out,” you say quickly making an escape. You run to the truck and hop inside. You slam the door and feel Jeremy’s lips meet yours. You smile against his lips before pulling away. “So where to, superstar,” he asks starting the truck. “Anywhere but here,” you say quickly throwing your feet onto the dash. He pulls his foot off the brake and laughs at you as he pulls out of the driveway… *3 hours later/Niall’s POV* “Who are you, you’re looking like a stranger, you were once my love and my savior, now I’m left with nothing but your makeup on my pillow,” I sing out strumming my guitar. “Who put that rock in your chest? Would you tell me…?” “If I said I wished you the best I was lying,” Zayn sings joining me. “Waking up, just brings me down, down. Cause every morning you are nowhere to be found, nowhere to be found… and my bed is half empty not half full, I’d rather live with broken bones then lay here all on my own, like a lovesick fool…” I lose it and the tears fall. “Niall don’t,” Zayn says softly while wrapping his arm around me. “I can’t help it Zayn, I just thought she was going to be mine this time,” I say crying. “I have to go talk to her,” I say standing up, but Zayn pulls me back down. “She’s out.” “Where?” “Hell if I know, the guy with the truck picked her up and she sped off.” “Lovely,” I say with sarcasm. “Zayn, do you think I still have a chance with her? I mean she told me she’d always love me, so how come she shows up with this other guy?” “Ni, of course you have a chance with her. I think deep down she still has some feelings. She can’t pretend to be this heartless robot forever! We just need something that will wow her,” he says. I nod and lay down thinking. “Maybe when she gets away from truck guy she’ll realize her feelings,” he says breaking the silence. “When will that be,” I mutter. “When we go to America.” My eyes light up. He’s right. We’re leaving for the US in two days and going to L.A. to start the tour in the states. _____ has to leave with us which means she’s leaving whoever is her new guy friend. That’s my chance. I smile. Maybe it’s not over yet, maybe I can still get her. I just can’t give up. Zayn gives me a pat on the back before leaving. As he opens the door I hear her laughing about something that a male voice says. Truck guy. They walk past my room hand in hand and her eyes meet mine for a second. Her smile falters, but she quickly readjusts it and continues past the doorway. I check the time. 11:30pm. I sigh and pull down the covers before quickly falling into a restless sleep. *2 days later/Your POV* You quickly shove your purse under the plane seat and lean back. Leaving Jeremy was hard because you genuinely liked him, but it’ll be good to get a break and get down to business. You look over and see Harry and Louis laughing about something. Niall and Zayn sit quietly talking about something serious while Liam is leaning back in his chair beside you about to doze off. Eleanor missed the flight so she’s arriving on the one right after you. You finally relax and fall asleep as the plane takes off. *12 hours later* Well after 3 plane switches, 2 lost luggages, and 1 long ride later, both you, Eleanor, and all the boys finally pile into a limo and sigh with relief. “L.A. here we come,” Louis shouts pumping his fist into the air. Everyone starts laughing. A TV screen slowly desends out of the roof and a video starts. “Hello, boys and girlfriends, we have decided that after the month apart, things might be awkward and tense, so we are sending you to two weeks of seclusion at a beach house in Malibu. Supervision will be limited with the exception of Paul dropping by every once in awhile to check in. If you have any questions contact me or Simon. The screen goes black and silence fills the car as the news sinks in. A REAL VACATION IN MALIBU WITH NO SUPERVISION. All of the guys start high fiving each other and Eleanor looks at you excitedly. You smile at her outwardly but inwardly you groan. Two weeks with the guys. How could you do that? It was already bad enough that you had to pretend you were over them, but now you actually had to spend down time with them. None of the guys have really tried to confront you except Zayn. You had almost broken in front of him and apologized for being such a frigid person, but Jeremy had interrupted. But rehab changed you. Sure, it wasn’t Zayn’s whole fault. He was drunk, and you had distracted your dad. That’s just how it was. You had learned to accept the mistake and moved on, but you still hated Zayn. That wasn’t the worst part though. The worst part was that deep down, you knew that one look in his eyes would change everything and would cause you to fall once again. And Niall, you were told not to do anything about him. Just ignore him. So far, it was okay, he hadn’t bothered with you and you hadn’t noticed anything strange about him either. That’s why you were so distant. That’s why you pushed the guys away. You didn’t want to take a chance on falling back into a lovesick girl blinded to everyone else. But now, you were going to have to try even harder, because now, you were spending two weeks with them completely alone. You snap out of your thoughts when you realize the limo is absolutely swamped with fans. “What should we do,” El asks. “We’ll all stop at a hotel, order some cars, find the address, and meet up at the arrival spot,” Liam says. Everyone nods and Zayn signals the driver to go to the nearest hotel. Liam calls for three cars and soon you reach the hotel. You walk to the back entrance as the cars pull up. “Jeeps, Liam,” you ask annoyed. “YOLO,” he shouts and you roll your eyes smiling. “So who’s riding with who,” Zayn asks. “I call Eleanor,” Louis calls loudly grabbing El’s hand. “Me and Niall wanna share,” Zayn shouts excitedly. Harry and Liam exchange a look. “Can I ride with you guys,” Liam asks quickly. Zayn shrugs and you look over to Harry. “Looks like it’s me and you,” he says smiling. You nod and give a small smile. Slowly everyone loads up and Louis and Eleanor head off, followed by Niall, Zayn, and Liam. You go to get in the car but Harry stops you. “_____,” he calls. You stop and turn. “Talk to me,” he says quietly walking up to you. You sigh. “What changed you,” he asks. “I just don’t want my feelings to take over again. I don’t want to start drama between Niall or Zayn so I just want to keep my distance from them.” He nods. “If you need someone I’m here for you,” he says. You smile. “Thanks Haz,” you say ruffling his hair. Finally someone you could count on that was just a friend. *2 hours later* “Harry, are you sure you know where you’re going,” you shout over the blaring music. “Of course…not,” he says smiling his cheeky smile and looking over at you. You can’t help but laugh. A few strands of hair threaten to spill out of your bun and you quickly try tucking them under but apparently Harry has other plans because he reaches over, grabs the elastic holding your hair up, and yanks so that your hair flys free. The wind circulating the jeep instantly causes your hair to fly around your face wildly. You groan. “You’re gonna regret that later, Styles,” you say loudly. “Oh, shut up,” he says shoving you lightly. You roll your eyes and try to hide the smile that’s forming on your face. As Harry turns up the music you relax a little. ‘Note to self: Harry is my new favorite member of One Direction,’ you think to yourself. Harry just listened to you and laughed with you and calmed you down. But more importantly he showed that he didn’t give up on you. He was still there for you. You smile at him as he concentrates on the road. *3 hours later* Finally you see a sign: Stone Eagle Retreat-2mi. “See told you I knew where we were going,” Harry says smiling. “It’s about time,” you say laughing and pulling up in front of a ginormous beach house. “Holy huge,” you say in shock. He turns of the car and runs over to get the door for you. You both walk inside and look around. You follow Harry down the hallway. Bedroom One is already claimed by Louis and Eleanor apparently. Bedroom two has a bunk bed and seems to be taken by Zayn and Niall. Bedroom Three is a single room with a queen sized bed. You laugh as you see Liam’s stuff scattered around. “Guess we’re roommates,” Harry says laughing and opening the last bedroom door. You gasp at the amazing view but stop when you notice there is only one bed. You’re about to point it out when Harry pulls on the couch allowing access for a pull out bed. You sigh with relief. “Gonna use the bogs, back in a jif,” Harry says stepping out. You laugh and start unpacking when Zayn pokes his head in. “There’s a beach party tonight at the pier,” he says walking inside. “You gonna come?” You shrug. “Please?” “Yes, she’s going,” Harry says bounding in. You look at him with fake annoyance and he shoves you. “Don’t be a downer, _____.” You sigh. “Fine.” Harry smirks at you and Zayn gives a slight smile and then steps out. “Wait, what time does it start?” “45 minutes,” Zayn calls back. You groan. “Oh come on, _____,” it’ll be fun. You sigh. “Harry, you know I’m not the party type.” “Well, find a way to be the party type for me tonight,” he says grabbing your hands. “But—“ “No buts, I want you to have fun tonight, _____, you deserve it. Shoot, we all do considering the hell we’ve been through this past month.” You nod and pull out some jean shorts and a pull over shirt. “Ehhem,” you say to Harry. “Oh right, sorry,” he says blushing and walking out. You go into the bathroom, start the shower and let the warm water wash over you to calm yourself. *1 hour later* You walk out of your room and look around to see that the whole house is empty. ‘Thanks for leaving me guys,’ you think to yourself as you slip your flip flops on. You exit out the back door and walk step foot on California sand for the first time. You listen to the sound of the lard thumping music and use it as a guide to get to the pier. You walk up to the pier into a humungous crowd and blaring music. The pier is decorated in small twinkling lights and is littered with people already wasted. You see Liam and Harry and you push your way through the crowd to get to them. “Glad you finally made it,” Harry shouts over the music. You give him a shove. “You left me,” you yell back. “It wasn’t my choice. I wouldn’t leave a beautiful girl like you alone,” he says winking. “Harry are you drunk,” you ask laughing. “Only on you,” he mutters. Liam quickly grabs him and pulls him to the dance floor. ‘Weird,’ you think. You grab a wine cooler out of the ice chest and take a few swigs. You find a table and lean against it until Zayn suddenly appears by your side. “What,” you shout back. “I said you look great,” he shouts again. You roll your eyes and he laughs. “Relax Elena, I’m not hitting on you, I’m just complementing you.” You nod. “Dance with me,” he says. You shake your head. “I’m good.” “Don’t worry I’m not gonna do anything,” he says as he grabs your hand and yanks you onto the dance floor. He moves along with the music and true to his word doesn’t try anything with you. You start to dance a long but then the music cuts out and Zayn starts pushing you toward stage. “This goes out to a special lady out in the crowd,” the DJ says into the mic as a spotlight begins to search for you as Zayn points to you. “I knew this was a bad idea,” you say turning to walk away. “This uh, this song goes out to someone very special to me,” you stop dead in your tracks recognizing that Irish accent instantly. “She’s here in the crowd tonight, and I just want to sing this song for her because it’s everything I’ve been thinking these past few days about her, but wasn’t able to actually say them,” Niall says before starting to strum on his guitar. Then you hear other instruments start up and you turn around seeing a whole live band starting a song. “Maybe you're out tonight, with somebody else by your side. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh. You forgot about me, yeah, and I guess you're moving on. You got sick of me like a song, oh, oh, oh, oh, that's playing on repeat. While you're living the good life, I feel a sharp knife, stabbing me straight through the heart,” he sings out. “You gotta know that I'm here all alone, wondering if you feel this low, as I do without you oh, oh, oh, oh. In case you didn't know, since you left I've been miserable. Why did you have to go oh oh?” The band continues to play and Niall searches the crowd for you. When he finally spots you your eyes lock with his. “Can you hear me when I say, I really want you, I really need you, oh, oh, oh, oh,” he sings while looking straight at you. The song ends and he looks at you with pleading eyes, but you turn and run unable to process everything you’re feeling. You trip over your sandal and decide to kick them off. You hear the normal thump as the party music returns. You run faster and faster until you can barely hear it. You stop and sit down on piece of wood letting your tears fall. This was the one thing you didn’t want. All the feelings were resurfacing. You swore to yourself it wouldn’t happen again, but seeing Niall up there singing his heart out to you with tears in his eyes hit you right in the heart because you wanted to run into his arms and tell him how you really felt, but you can’t. No, you can’t let yourself love Niall or Zayn again. It’s just a recipe for disaster. “Man, you’re a hard one to catch up with,” you jump at Harry’s voice. “Hey Cinderella, you left behind your shoes,” he says holding up your sandals. You smile at him. “Thanks.” “Hey,” he says stepping closer. “What’s wrong?” “Oh nothing, I’m fine.” “_____, don’t lie to me,” he says sternly. “Harry it’s nothing, don’t worry about it.” “How can I help you if I don’t know what the problem is,” he asks wiping a tear from your cheek. “Harry, you’re helping me by just being here,” you say smiling. You shiver and he pulls off his blazer. He slips it over your arms and you breathe in his luscious scent. “Thanks,” you say quickly. “Anything for you,” he says winking. You yawn. “Tired, love,” he asks. “I’ll be fine,” you say leaning your head on his shoulder. He slips his arm around you and his warmth brings you comfort. You find yourself slowly slipping into sleep when you feel his arms slide under you as he carries you back to the house. He carries you into the room you and him share. He pulls down the covers and lays you down. “My clothes,” you murmur, half asleep. “Shhh, I’ll help okay?” You nod. He slowly brings your shirt over your head and grabs one of his clean shirts from the bed, slipping it on you. He helps you get your jean shorts off and he quickly hands you a pair of sweats. He slowly tucks you in. “Ha…” you try to finish his name but you’re too tired. You hear him murmur something as he turns off the light and makes his way over to the pull out bed. Your eyes flutter closed and you find yourself falling quickly into much needed sleep. 

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