Aurora Pierce is 15 year old girl who have had it hard in life. But then she starts hogwarts and meets James potter. But he can't love her, because he is in love with lily
James potter is 16 year old and is obsessed with lily evens but after many y...
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We walked into the great hall and everyone was already sitting at their house table. It was the 1 september which means the first day of the school year.
Everybody turns around to look at us. But james and sirius didnt give a fuck mean while i got a little uncomfortable.
Lily showed me the way up to the first years and then left me there so she could go to the Gryffindor table. She sat down between Marlene and Dorcas and another girl.
I stood between a little blond girl and a blond boy. They looked nervous.
And before me was a little chair and an old hat. The hat looked hundred of years old.
Dumbledore sat in the middle of a big table with many other teachers.
One teacher stood where the hat was and she had a list in her hand.
"Hello everyone I am McGonagall, When I read up your name you are going to sit down in this chair and then the sorting hat are going to sort you into your future house"
I looked around and there were 4 tables.
The teacher started calling out the names and many were divided into houses.
It was just me and another girl left and then the teacher read out my name.
So I got up and sat down on the chair. McGonagall put the old hat on my head. And so it began to talk.
I was not prepared for that. So it scared me a little.
"Oh I see, mmm very difficult. Lots of courage and very smart. Sad life but never gives up. Maybe slytherin, mmm no it better be GRIFFENDORE!" Shouted it out.
I got off the chair and started walking over to the gryffindor table.
Lily shouted at me to sit with them.
"Hi I'm Mary Macdonald and you already know who they are," she said, pointing to Dorcas, Marlene and Lily.
"Yes we have met before. I'm Aurora Pierce" I told her.
The food had not yet arrived.
But then Dumbledore got up and walked forward so that he stood in front of all the tables.
"Hello everyone and welcome to a new year here at hogwarts. I would like to say that we have a new student who is going to start in 5 year and her name is Aurora pierce"
Everyone turned and looked at me. I felt a little uncomfortable but they stopped looking very fast and started looking at Dumbledore again.
"That was all and I hope you will have a good year, let's start eating" and after he said that a lot of food on the tables arrived.
I have never eaten so much food in my entire life. Everything looked so good. I started eating. It tasted really good.
The girls had started talking about school and what lessons they will have.
"Aurora, it looks like we will have many classes with each other," said lily.
I smiled and nodded at her because I could not answer because I had food in my mouth.
She laughed at me.
but I knew I had 1 lesson without my new friends and that lesson was with slytherins.
"Lily, I think Severus is looking at you again" I looked up and from the other side of the room there was a guy with black medium long hair staring straight at the redhead next to me.
"Who is severus?" I asked them.
"It's a guy who's friends with lily. And I think he's in love with her," Marlene said.
I nodded.
He looked a little creepy. He was sitting with some other guys.
"Who are the people he's sitting with?" I asked the girls
"Ehh it's Regulus Black he's the little brother of Sirius, you know he you met before. They don't talk to each other anymore because he moved out of that house. And the other guy is Rosier Evans,"Lilly replied.
"Are you related, you and Rosier because you have the same last name?" I asked her.
"God no, he's pureblood and I'm just a muggle-born. So do not ask him that because then he will be angry" she replied again.
"Oh right, I heard this time from someone in his fourth year that someone had asked and the next day he was in the hospital wing with a broken foot, hand and nose." said Dorcas.
my eyes widened and I almost spat out my drink.
"Jesus, okay good to know." I answered her.
After I had eaten my food and it looked like everyone else had too, it disappeared and instead came the dessert.
"Where I'm I! Am I in heaven" I said.
The girls laughed at my comment and started eating ice cream.
"Why did no one say you get dessert because then I would not have eaten so much food" I said
"We get it every night, so think about it tomorrow," Lily laughed.
I started eating my dessert.
"I like it here" I said in a low tone so that no one would hear me.
"Err, it looks like James and the guys are watching you, Aurora," Dorcas said.
I turned my head in their direction and I made eye contact with James.
he winked.
I could not help it. I started laughing.
He smiled at me but then Peter said something so he broke eye contact.
I turned around again and started talking to the girls about everything that has happened in Hogwarts and the latest rumor. They told me about which teachers were kind and which were not.
I have never laughed as much as I did today.
It really felt like a good night.
After dinner they showed me where our common room was and it turned out that I will share a rum with them.
I got a bed that stood next to a window and I laid down in it and closed my eyes.
I thought about everything that has happened today.
First my dad leaves me, then I go with an old man to a magic school and make new friends.
I have never had any friends before, because after my mother died, my father started homeschooling me and I almost never left my home so I never saw any people my age.
Only my dad and his work buddies, I thought they looked very scary so I never talked to them.
I exhaled heavily and let my fatigue take over me and in the next second I was in a deep sleep