Chapter 9

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Within minutes, I've downed two vodka shots and now leaving the bar and sipping on a cruiser with Dom trailing behind me. This may be his job, but it's also my life, and right now I need a few minutes to myself. It's nothing personal. I'm just not used to being trailed like a member of the royal family. I watch the red and blue lights as they flash across the crammed dance floor. Then I take the few steps down to the next level, heading for the tables, when someone steps out in front of me.

Dom puts a handout to block him. But I recognize the guy at once. "Oh my gosh, Cory!" I throw my arms around him and smell his overpowering spicy cologne. He holds me longer than he should, so I pull back first with a wide smile. "It's so good to see you."

Cory's eyes swell as he looks me over. "Damn! You look like a drug lord's wife now. Marcus would be spewin blood if he saw you like this."

I look at Dom to make sure he's not hearing this, but who knows, I'll just assume he's too engaged with work to be listening. Either way, I need to be careful what I say in front of him, since his employee obligation is to Rico and not me. "How is Marcus? I've been worried that I'd hurt him so much he might never forgive me."

Cory's face scrunches. "Dudes not that cut up, Lexi. You didn't hear this from me, but people are sayin he's been kickin it with Mandy since you dumped him."

"I never dumped him." I cry out. "My marrying Rico was for survival." My hands tremble at the prospect of him betraying me with Mandy.

"What's going on?" Dom asks with an unfamiliar edge in his tone.

"Oh, nothing, Dom. Nothing you need to concern yourself over." It's hard to accept that Marcus would get with someone else so soon. He said he loved me, but how could he love me if he's sleeping with someone else? I suck in a deep breath, trying to calm myself and my racing pulse. But it's hard when a storm of pain, anger, and jealousy brews inside me. As shocked as I am, I am also pissed off he's doing fine without me. I assumed he was heartbroken. It takes everything I have not to burst into tears.

An hour later, and Rico hasn't shown his face. No doubt he's out back organizing the laundering of Mancini drug money. Whatever. It's only me and Dom, but I may as well be alone, since he spends his time scanning for potential threats.

By this point, I'm near drunk. Not what I intended, but the thought of Marcus fucking Mandy is a hard load to swallow. I wipe the tears from my cheeks and stare at the wall, lost in my head somewhere, consumed by a multitude of thoughts, none of which are helpful. But what can I do if Marcus wants someone else? I'm in no position to fight for him. I'm married to Rico. Besides, why should I fight for him when he refused to fight for me? When a sob escapes my mouth, I try hard to restrain the emotions wanting to burst out of me.

"How you going over there, Lexi?"

My eyes blink and it's only now I realize how wet, heavy and tired they are. "My heart is still beating, so I guess I'm doing ok."

"Did that guy upset you? You want me to drop him in the septic?"

I shake my head. "Cory didn't upset me, Dom. It was what he told me. Now I'm trying to digest the fact that my boyfriend of two years is with someone else... I assumed he loved me... I guess he didn't. Well, at least not enough."

"Sounds like a shit boyfriend, if you ask me. Someone you shouldn't waste time on... it might be a good idea if you stop referring to him as your boyfriend, too. People might get the wrong idea, especially Rico. And you don't want him getting the wrong idea... he'll wipe him from your life—permanently, if you give him reason."

I frown and wave my hand at him. "I've done nothing wrong, other than give my heart to someone I meet before Rico appeared. Besides, why should I care when he has that mole living with him—Gia? You don't see me threating her for fucking my so-called husband. No, instead, she wants to hurt me—and she's made threats, Dom. And Rico doesn't care, not really? No one cares for me here. I'm alone, without my family, and scared I'll be killed."

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