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Inks POV:

Nightmare has been especially a annoying recently protecting that freak error. But nothing I do makes him go away! Not even dream who is the only one who can harm him can really hurt him never mind kill him because of his stupid hope to get his brother back. Ugh! Why can't things just go the way I want once in a while huh!? Why was error created? Are the creators trying to test my patience? And why on earth did they create nightmare and his useless team as his bodyguards? I mean not only nightmare but horror cross and dust? This is just too much!!

But whatever if I want to find out the secrets of the multiverse I need error gone and the first step to that is killing nightmare. Since dream can't do it I will make someone who will.

'Insert evil laughter here'

MCs POV or killers POV:

I was walking home from my favorite coffee shop down the street from my house though I was a little distracted I mean there was this new comic about nightmare and I just had to read it! He looked so cute I couldn't help but fantasize about marrying him one day even though I knew it wasn't possible I mean he was a fictional character I needed to find a real person to marry but I couldn't do it ever since I met nightmare I haven't been able to look at other humans the same. If I ever dated anyone I would feel like I was cheating on my one true love so I decided to just not go through that. I told everyone who was romantically interested in me every little disturbing and weird thing about me as discreetly as possible I they didn't know I was doing it on purpose so they would be grossed out and leave though there were a few weird exceptions who were ok with me being in love with a fictional character that I had an actual shrine for that I prayed to everyday so I had to get more creative. Ah those were the fun times. I mean who doesn't like pranking people with cockroaches in there bed every morning until they want nothing to do with you?

Anyways back to the present I was walking home reading on my phone clearly not paying attention even when I crossed the street so it was no surprise to me when I suddenly felt overwhelming pain and a saw a whole lot of blood. It also wasn't surprising to find out I died no that I was accepting of what did surprise me though was the one and only ink sans standing right in front of me smiling like a sadist with a plan and holding a whole lot of chains all of which are connected to me.

Ink POV:

Finally it's done. I have made my master price a cold emotionless sans with almost unlimited HP and DF along with exceptionally high ATK and LOV making killing second nature for him. My perfect killing machine. He has abilities far better than anyone before him and better yet can kill gods like me and nightmare with the added resistance of loyalty. He will we so loyal once he choses a master no one can change it not even dream with his ability since his emotions are non existent or extremely diluted. All I have to do is get him to see me as his master and train him and everything will be set into motion though it can't be that hard I am his creator after all and I can just isolate him until it's confirmed he listens to me and only me.

But first.

"from now on I'm your master you do as I say and only as I say. now come with me you will need to train if you are going to fulfill the task you were created to do." I said suddenly pulling his chains to the training room I made just for him with all the things he will need to work on if he wishes to get strong enough to kill nightmare.

Just like I planned there was little to no resistance just a small hesitation but that will change soon he will recognize me as his master soon and I will no longer have to worry about even the slightest hesitation he will kill for me without a second thought. My plan is fool proof. Sometimes my own genius surprises me.

I suppose I no longer need Dream though it would be best to continue fooling him I don't want to precious new toy to have to have too much of a hard time killing them both I may as well do it after dream realizes his brother is dead. I wonder what expression he will make?

Killers POV two months later:

It's been two months since my death and let me tell you it has been the emotional rollercoaster of a lifetime. When I woke up ink immediately told me what to do like I was some kind of slave. I did what he asked because for some reason I didn't really realize I was supposed to feel something telling me not to do it because he is being an ass nope. I went with him trained with him cooked for him and cleaned for him like a damned house wife for two fucking months before I realized this wasn't normal.

He was planning to make me a killing machine I could tell and normally I would panic and try to escape out of fear you know like a normal person but I haven't been acting like myself. Instead I just thought 'huh' and continued my day. The only emotion I feel if at all are muted and badly there not that I mind if I had felt emotion I would do something stupid to get me killed since ink is a god and all anything I do will be pretty week compared to him. The best course of action is to do what he wants until I find a sure way to escape. So far he hasn't let me out if his house since my rebirth all he's done is train me for the future target he wants me to kill though he hasn't told me who it is yet I know they are probably really strong.

Since I woke up I haven't said a word. I don't know if it's because of shock or the inability to care enough to try but because of that ink thinks of me like a lifeless doll and lets his guard down around me. Not enough for me to attack or escape but enough for me to listen in on things he normally wouldn't want me or others to hear when he rants. Such as him trying to kill error and how much of a nuisance his bodyguard is whoever that may be. Because of this I have deduced this is a forced god of destruction multiverse where I play a part in inks game. Great.....

Time skip two weeks later

So far things have been pretty much the same ink still trains me and uses me as a housewife but he also now demands I call him master making this whole experience so much more embarrassing. He even uses me as a body pillow because in his words 'the closer my loyal pet is the safer I'll be' or that's what he keeps telling himself. In reality he has become increasingly paranoid he thinks error has found the coordinates to his base or home whatever ink calls it. He doesn't want to take the chance of being killed in his sleep so along with me there he sleeps with one eye open.

Sadly making it impossible for me to kill him. Because of all this I have been increasingly embarrassed every time ink says it's time to go to sleep so I just pretend when I'm training and doing stuff around the house that it never happened. So far it hasn't been working.

I'm scared of what's to come considering my strength I have accumulated I have only been able to get a few hits on ink and I doubt he's fighting at full strength meaning I am exceptionally weak. If I want to survive in this multiverse full of fighting I need to train harder.

I hope I can Meet nightmare soon. I miss him.....

Error's POV:

After searching for years I finally found where inks hide out is. We found the star sanses base years ago but we never managed to find inks. It was crucial we did for all the plans we came up with that we knew where he was at his most relaxed state. The problem I found though after spying and trying to gain as much intel as possible on inks weaknesses is that he has a prisoner. Or to be more precise a slave.

All they do is train clean and cook I don't think they even have a name since I haven't heard ink even say it once. They are chained to the floor when ink deems all their tasks done and even in there sleep they aren't aloud rest from ink. since he makes them sleep right next to him so he can be his weird self and cuddle something alive while he falls asleep.

I couldn't contain my anger if only those star shits saw him now they would be disgusted. I needed to inform nightmare.

So without delay I made a portal to nightmares castle to inform him of the news.

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